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Monday, January 10, 2011

soo bored at home hmm ,, well ,, ii now actually nga ngntok ,, waliiaw slp 4 hurs je smlm nye smlm ,, waliiaw ,, hmm ,, aku btl nye ting tong hahax ,,, till now also ngntok tk hilang hahax ,, well ,, hmm ,,, ku windu MINNIE SIOWSIOW,,  
hahax ,, hmm ,, bored nye ,, hmm 11 jan nk msk spore lagii ,, ajk my adq2 ,, hmm ,, go jln mne pn ku tk tau urh , bday aku ,, hmm may be tk celebrate urhh ,, kiiite p jln2 suuua ,, hmm ,, nk jln2 ngn my xhyg ,, hehex ,,  hmm ii thot of go buy couple shirt ,, hmm bt c how lurh heheh hmm k lurh gtg ,, toodles 

~minnie powpety!~

Blogged @ 12:35 AM

Thursday, January 6, 2011

hey peeps ,, sorry fer keeping quiet this while ,, hmm ,,  
well ,, me soo bored lurh guys ,, hmmm ,, 
hmm owh well ,, bdw ,, aderq org pgl ku pmpn muraha  urh ,, 
chey! 2 boii da idop lamerq urh ,, hahax ,, lau qhuw murahan pn naperq ? 
aderq nyusah kn qhaw ?? mepeq siiak ,,
da grown up prangaii tarq mo Y.P urh narq p post2 kt chatbox ,, 
jmpe bbl dpn2 urh ,, mepeq sgt2 siiak dyerq hahax ,,
kental kappa ?? mepeq mepeq ,, aiyoyo tambii ,, hahax ,, sdh lurh waste jerq tarq about that ,, 
bdw now happy jgk lurh my minnie ,, hmm ,,
aku chyg................. dyerq ,, hehex ,, hmm ,,
on the 11 jan narq meet hym urh ,, hehex,, blueq! hehex..
gerls out der tarq mo jealous taw ii ngn minnie ,,
hahax ,, hys mine qheey ,, try to break our relationship ,,
hmmph! yuq'll get iit from us huahuahua ,,
kae lurh gtg bye2 dearest dear muarrhhhcxy2 ,, hehex

Blogged @ 11:45 PM

Monday, January 3, 2011

iim just hurt by my ex ,, yes ii still love hym ,, hys attched ,, so doo ii ,, but whye m ii hurt 2 c hys attched with someone else ? hmm ,, last tyme he cn accept me ,, bt now he slowly gonna fade away ,, haiish whad shud ii do without getting hurt by hym anymore ? haiish ,, ii really dnt noe wat to do ,, hmm yes hys my ex ,, bt hys my beluved ex ,, hmm well yes ii have 2 beluved ex ,, hys the 2nd 1 ,, hmm ,, ii just cnt ferget hym urh! its hard ,, haiish ,, ii really hope Allah gave me strength to go through all this challenge that He gave me ,, hmm my swet past tyme memory with hym is stll fresh in my mine ,, Ya Allah ,, pls guide me ,, whye must ii be like this ,, haiish ,, ii really dnt 1 2 suffer liike this all along ,, plss ,, haiish ,, whye must ii go through all this ,, *cryiing* ii hope hys happy urh *cryiing* ii just 1 the best fer hym ,, hope he will nort suffer lyke me although ii noe now he is ,, aku beserah kepade Yg Esa untok menentukn nye ,, hmmm ,,,really in a heart paiin now ,, ii tried 2 cheer up bt ii cnt ,, hmm ,, someone plss make me cheer up ,, haiish ,, bt idk whye no matter hw hard yuq try 2 cheer me up i'l nort cheer up ,, ii may be smiling bt deep inside iim damn hurt n sad,, haiish ,, how ii hope everything will end now,, haiish,, 

~FyFy c3p3t~

Blogged @ 9:44 PM

aqaii iis in d hospital ,, 

kindda woried fer hym urh ,,

how is he doiing also idk ,,

mama said hys had heart pressure ,,

ntah ye ke tdk tarq tau lurh hmmm

ii really regret fer whad ii did ,,

bt criously ,, uat aperq continue relationship kalauu aqhuw tarq xhyg dyer ,,

its kindda waste of hys tyme loving me ,,

but in d other hand ii dnt love hym ,, haiish ,

its nort det ii dnt love hym,, its just that ,,

i cnt b with hym kae..

da urh ,, really nort in de mood rhyte now!

Blogged @ 12:38 PM

Sunday, January 2, 2011

GD AFTERNOON 2 all muii darlinkx2 ,, hehex ,, me nga sad shey.. do yuq all know det pelakon FAIZALYUSUF DA MENINGGAL ? hmm,, OMG~! hmm soo damn sad.. haiish ,,
 nvmd lurh pape pn kite hanye mampu sedekah kn AL-FATIHAH ajerq ,, hmmm

Blogged @ 12:52 PM

soo bored ,, cnt slp ,, hmm.. well. now chatting with my xhyg2 on msn lorh haiish ,, always slp late ltr got PANDA EYE aru pdn muke aqhuw ,, hmmm ,, well ,, abeyh tarq ngntoq whad 2 say ,, haiish ,, well ,, iim soo damn fckiing bored liiaw!! hmm ,, my dearest bhy tarq on9.. kate may be on9.. oqhey lurh theres a may be there hmmm .. mish chatting with hym lurh ,, hmm this wednesday me nnd my qhaq sdare wanna go catch a movie ,, hehex but tharq tau ciite aperq ,, hehex ,, blueq! hmm,, ingt narq p town skalii ,, psl p town dpt spore liine , atleast cn check out whads news on my spore line .. mestii msg belambaq nyerq.. gurantee punya!! hahax..
hmm k lurh bz now.. toodles!

Blogged @ 3:15 AM

Saturday, January 1, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR SUME!! APE AZAM KRG UNTK 2011 ,, hehex.. hmm da new year ,, hmmm ferget the old lets turn over a new leaf ... hahax.. hmm well well well ,, bddw .. iim nort sleepy yet .. hmm lps nyh narq kene update lagii 2 blog.. aduuhh!!! bnyk btl blog aquh nyh ,, hahax  ,, well 1 ngn my dear2.. lagii satu ngn my bhy2 ... hahax.. its fiiqo n minnie lurhh hmm ,, owh well ,, hmm ,, 
ok lurh ,, ii wanna slp .. tomorrow may be iim updating my other blog ,, hmm bye bye!

Blogged @ 12:29 AM

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

walaupon kita berjauhan...
niat di hati tetap
masih ikhlas untuk bercinta..
kebelakangan ini.. suare mu selalu ku terdengar2.. bagai kan bisikan sesuatu..
kini ku sedari.. bawah tiada insan lain..
dapat menggantikan mu..
ingin ku katakan. tapi tak guna.
cinta kita sudah tiada... aku seperti bunga mawar yang layu

i miss you... i miss you...when will you come back...i am starting to pray for you to hear my heart..crying... its the painful things that i have not felt before. omg!! whye am i crying now..? cause i love you.. that's whye..? i want eu to know. that someones is you

fiiqo gave me this ... hmm soo sweet of hym lurh shey .. hmm .. well.. haiish.... he so damn sweet.. ii really hope 2 meet hym soon shey haiish...

Blogged @ 5:28 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Now otp with didi ,, my beluved TTM ,, soo boreed ,,  hmm mish hym soo much  ... hmm now nga bbl ngn dyer talk about the past ,, soo yeea hahax ,, BORED XIIA ,,HMM K LURH NK TALK2 ngn nyh didi dlu lurh ,, hahax byebye ,

Blogged @ 11:27 PM

go interview on 27/12/10 hmm .. well... on retail ... hahx... hmmm .... well.. the interviewer tanye bnyq soalan plk... hahax... hmmm well ii go interview kt ITE COLLEGE WEST (CCK) hmm... hahax.. well ssh lurh .. hmmm may be ii will nort get that course... hehex... hmm .... welll nvmd lurh... tgk lurh on the 30/12/10 amciiam result .. hahax... hmm k lurh gtg.. toodles peeps... .hmmmmm

Blogged @ 7:24 PM



Name:FyFy c3p3t!
D.O.B: 1st February 199_

hey peeps.. hmm FIONA! iz her BIG name..

hmmm.. jz kol her FyFy
or Shawtiie Ladiie
or kecyq!
will doe....

FyFy c3p3t iz a SIMPLE GHERL

who get along wip her peers well...
she iz a SENSITIVE
gerl 2...

she love break-dancing n pakouring.. hahah..

she is also currently ATTCHED wip her DEAREST DEAR DARLINKK.....
, :)


, :)


†❤† Others †❤†

†❤†Huniie buniie ku!†❤†
♥ShaSha KecyK♥

♥Abg zoul♥

♥FikoBarney Hunneyku♥

♥TySuperGirl[chikarosz ku]♥
♥SiTi![chikarosz ku]♥

♥Nana Akheno[Chiikarosz ku]♥

♥WanPakour [Bro]♥

♥Rikki [Bro]♥

†❤†Doliie Qhuw!†❤†

†❤†Kwn Kwn qhuw†❤†
♥KaK YaS♥




, :)


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Designer: Lovezxz-
Basecodes 1: Clarissa
Basecodes 2: Stevan
Image Hosting: Photobucket
Image edit and animations: Photoshop Elements 5.0