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Saturday, January 30, 2010

today is my 9 mnthsary wyf my shynk ... heheh happy shey da 9 mnths without breaking patch .. heheh ouh well .. today also i gt mly dance ... wow!! fcking pnt .. eu wanna noe y? hahah .. bcz the last wednesdae .. the the wednesdae b4 .. i nvr goe .. soo i have 2 catch up 2 session waliaw!!!! ... thank goodness im a fast catcher .. haha .... ouh well .. we have finished up the steps ... haha ... onlie left is transformation n polishing up our steps .. hehe ... fun shey .. the last steps is cool .. haha ... fun doing it ... its tiring r .. i will nt swet wen i dance .. wil nt swet ... bt tix tyme im swetting .. hahah ...  ok cut the story about the mly dance story.. i actuallie would lyke 2 share about wad hppn after mly dance wen me n rhyn on our way home ... omg i tell eu .. it was horrible .. nt det horrible la... haha well wen we r on our way bck , we walk tru tix particular carpark ... oppst blk 622 .. den we we walk at the carpark . we saw sometynk white pass by us freaking fast .. den i jz kept quiet ... den i look left n right .. i tot it was just a piece of paper .. bt there was noe paper arnd .. den i just kept quiet after a few minutes .. i ask rhyn .. kaw nmpk tk pe ku nmpk.. rhyn sae .. ya .. i story it 2 her .. i sae i saw tix white thyngy ... n she sae ya i also saw it .. den we we walk after the carpark .. derz tix 1 tree ... lyke the coconut tree lyke det la .. den the branch broke n fell .. we jump .. bt criusly .. i cnt ferget the incident ...... we saw it wyf or own eyes .. waliaw!!!! i thin i wanna try 2 visit that carpark again .. bt .... i will hppn once n detz it. .. hmmmm ....  nvm la ... hahah .. ok la .. im sick actuallie ... having fever la peeps ..... bye



Blogged @ 8:33 PM

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

sooo boreddd ... ntg 2 doe at home .. my dear is slping .. haish .. ntg 2 de liaw .... hmm ... all slp oweady ... very early rhyte  noe haha ... ouh well .. leave me alone2 here .. haish .. well .. jz now i wake m hubbie up fer a while 2 ask hym /.. wad tyme he wanna goe bck ... he sae 11 wake hym up .. ouhk den nvm .. den he i ask .... dnt wanna entertain me eyh ? he directly sae noe ... haish! wad i did wrong also dnt noe .. hmm .. its sad fer me 2 hear it .. its nt det i 1 hym 2 entertain me 24/7 r .. bt .. haish! nvm la .. he can sae he is tired or wad rhyte ...noe need 2 make me feel down by saying NO .. haish nvm la .. its jz my luck .. bt wad im happy fer hym is . he is alrhyte .. ntg hppn 2 hym n ya ... he noe need 2 'goe in' hmm .. im ok bout det oweady .. onliie about jz now haish! ouh well its my luck rhyte cn doe anytynk bout it .. haish.. jz now he also nvr entertain me .. its jz bcz im bz wyf the sketch book .. haish .... ouh well .. although im bz wyf it .., i still entertain hym ok ...!! haish ... the sketch book also its about us .. nt anyone else siak! haish .. ah p mmpz la .. as long as hys happy .. im also happy fer hym ... (bkn nk ungkit ..) i sggp break my frenship wyf some of my frenz bcz of hym ... 1st i feel lyke he is acting wierd n lyke nonsense lyke det .. bt wen i follow wad he sae (bkn anjeng dyer eyh!!!) nt 2 doe tix n det .. i m ok la ... i doe it bcz i love hym ... hmm ... i lost my frenz .... its ok ... hmm ... if i lost hym ?? ermm i also dnt care .. bt 1 tynk ... i reallie hope ntg hppn .. hmm ... bcz i reallie love hym ...
he is part of my lyfe n body .... he is my blood ... without my blood i cnt survive .. rhyte  ? hahah .. well .. love hym soo much .. our 9 mnths is coming .... cnt wait fer it ..... 3 more daezz 2 goe shyg ... heheh .... fun rhyte.. being together fer 9 mnths WITHOUT breaking patch .. its cool .. haha .. ouh well ... i dnt noe wen our journey will end .. bt i hope our love journey will not ends... heheh ....
although sometymes .. he is lyke ...EHEM!! i will still respect hym n love hym .... care bout hym ... bcz i noe ...wen he scold me or anytynk .. he did not doe it on purpose ... he cnt hold hys anger .. soo infact ... he threw hys anger at me .. its ok fer me la... its normal fer me already .. cz i alwys cry wen he did det .. im a sensitive person .. try 2 shout at me ? i will try 2 fight bck .. bt if im weak ... i will jz hold my tears ... n jz be patient n wait wad will hppn nexxt .. haha .. ouh well .. wad 2 doe .. heheh ... ok la .. i wanna relekx .. another 1 hour i need 2 wake my hubbie up .. lyke haish! haha .. ok la tata

*Shorty Dice*


Blogged @ 10:00 PM

Friday, January 22, 2010

heyy my peeps .. its been a long tyme fer me not updating my blog .. heheh ... kyndda mysh it .. haha .. well been bz lately hahah ... soo today i jz had a rest dae .. hehe ...  ntg 2 doe soo update my blog here ... well i kyndda stress out bcz my coursewerk is about 2  start .. my CPA n EBS coursewerk .. omg!! im reallie nervous .. hahah .. ouh well wad 2 doe ... nahh fergett bout det if nt  i will be more fcking nervous hahah ,.. n ya btw .. i editted new pic n took some pics also .. latest pic la hahah ... wanna see it ? hahah ... ouh well mae be ltr la kae.. about me n my hubbie .. we werk out together ... bla3 ... hahah .. now we are almost 9th mnth already .. hahah past rhyte ? hahh.. ouh well wad 2 doe heheh ... ouh ya i said i editted new pic rhyte .. hold on ya while i upload the picsz..

hahha yea ..... kiut rhyte both of ur hahah XD
ouh well i hope we cn last long2 onlie heheh ... ouh ya ... almost 1 year oweady steady .. hmmm .... we noe each other bettr aweady haha .. more n more la .. hehe .. wad 2 doe dohh .. sometymes... my hubbie is fcking irritating also have hahah .......... ouh ouh ... heheh ... no offence bie .. haha ... ok la .. i need 2 goe wanna complete designing my 9th mnsary card 2 give 2 my hubbie on the 300110 .. hehh bye

Blogged @ 3:50 PM

Saturday, January 9, 2010

hey der .. herez all my pic fer 2dae .. very fun taking pic hahahahahaha.. ouh well gtg now jz uploading some image fer today n some daez bck ..... hahah bye ...


Blogged @ 9:41 PM

hey actuallie me .. my god bro , my hubb!3 farid n hys bro .. soo we set the tyming at 5.30 .. ouh well .. soo at 2+ i meet my guy 1st .. sooo yea .. slack2 .. now i at home fer awhile cz my dad is arnd ... ya3 . n ya ... im fcking frustrated wyf my god bro .. well ... i sae r .. if eu nvr reach by 6+ lyke det we bla .. den he lyke scold me lyke wtf kn ... hate hym r sia! he sae ... lyke ermmm jurong 2 wdlands is far .. kiwekk i noe its far .. bt i given the tyme y cnt eu goe out early .. izen that correct guys ? den now he sae i was hys bloody tyme .. wad i gonna sae is bloddy asshole 2 hym r sia!!! kiwekk pk pe funfair pe .. akuw tau r kaw ABG angkat akuw sk .. beyhh ppe blh sesuke aty kaw je mrh2 akuw .. pk r sk ... argh!! geram sk akuw ... haish da r wadever la .. dyer kate  akuw tkde care gitu larhh sometynk lyke det .. hmm .. alh wadever larhh now i sae ok just push aside all that probss.. n wanna come down or nt ? he sae ok akuw trn amcm ? den i sae ok r ..... ahh!!  frust!!!!!!!


Blogged @ 5:16 PM

Friday, January 8, 2010

OMG!!  course work fer my N lvl is coming reallie soon ... ouh-oh ... omg!! help me ... need 2 study! study study .. if nt will be dum dum .. very dummie lyke det .. hahah .. ouh well .. im taking my 'N' lvl this year ... er.... a very challenging year fer me .. hmmm ...  soo fer this year i need 2 werk extra hard for it hahah . ouh well wad 2 doe .. now i lyke 2 study not plying .. yes its true ppl sae eu must start werking from sec 3 ... from sec 3 if eu r prepare sec 4 published it a little there eu goe .. ready fer ur N lvl .. hahah ... omg! my n lvl coursework gonna start soon ....  i have not prepare anytynk YET! ouh oh ... me soo stupid2..  hmmm ok ok relekx relekx .... cool down ~fuuhhh~ hmm ouh ya .. i ferget .. fer my ITE ... idk which ITE 2 goe hmm ... i tynk i apply fer ITE simei , cck , and .. ermm idk hahha ... ouh well... haish ... me so bingong .. hah how 2 consetrate .. wyf the malay dance thingy need 2 attend .. n my siblings at home noe one taking off .. ermm n my study waliaw!! i thing my study will be affected aiyoyo ... stress sioot .. .hahah ok larhh till here. .. i gtg .. need 2 clear up my house cz its in a fcking mess hahah .. ok larhhh gtg now ... updating soon ya ...
toodles ...

♥ ♥Sh0rTy CrowN♥  ♥

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥!MUAX! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Blogged @ 11:57 PM

Monday, January 4, 2010

weeiillooo .. heheh ... tdy is mondae as eu all noe ...  4 january 2010 .. hahah ... ouh well ... must goe skl eu noe hehe .. well im sec 4 oweady ... bt still 


hahah .. short2 eu noe .. hahah ... ht 150 ..  lyke wtf sia .. hahah .. tdy me sooo boring eu noe .. hahah .. hmmm ...... well my frenzz are all bck 2 nrml .. hmm .. bt ziza standard la ...  nvr talk 2 us much r ... hmm .. wad soo ever r ngn 2 pmpn .. haish ... tk suke leyh bbl r eyh gerl ... nk bbl pn dpn2 kae gerl!! haha ... ouh well 1st dae ... den jz now morning2 rain2 .. must assemble at canteen WTF .. den goe class . den me n rhyn lyke crazy gerlz .. we shout2 r 'AH!!!! CLASS LAME .. SEC 2 PEYHH CLASS!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!! RINDU SIOOOT .... HAHAH'  hahah ... soo funny shey den at outide me lyke org GYLER SESAT!! pelok2 2 class dary luar hahah ....  sewel kn ... hahah i noe .. well jz mysh det class r ...  cz det class leave us wyf a memories 2 our class ...  heheh ... ouh well wad 2 doe ryte hahha .. we soo kecoh in class .. den mr yap [<< dnt noe how 2 spell hys name] came down .. he sae we take oour national anthem n pledge nt crius hahah .. den he sae frm the 3rd floor he cn hear our class making noise .. lyke WTF kn ... other classes also making noise if eu combine it all together of course la in any floor also cn hear sia!! bengap peyhh cekgu .. kn da kene bengap ngn aku .. hahah binget sioot .. lagy2 now akuw nga tkde mood .. alh ahh!! jz cut det noe mood story ..
hahah .. den after mr yap came down n bla3 [membebel je tau] .. he shout at our class [mad teacher .. hahah ]
soo our class lyke nt happy one by one all make lyke an unhappy face ... hahah ouh well den bla3... mr chee came in  .. smile2!!! hahah .. den he passed us this 1 file welcome ck larhh konon nye hahah .. den frm hym a very encoraging werds on a bookmark n a exercise book ... hahah .... ouh well .. den a poster of welcome bck n wad sooo ever r hahha ... ouh well .. fun tyme r kire kn hahahh .. den mother tounge lesson cekgu meimi [wadever her name is] took us fer our m.t lesson hahah .. well she lyke ustazah eu noe hahah .. wen she talk is  lyke pnh dgn smangat n confident haha ouh well gd fer her larhh hahaha ... ouh well kae larhh mlz akuw nk update lagy n lagy mcm da mlz pn ade hahah ....kae larhh lagy pn nga noe mood r ..
bye!! toodles!!!!

fyefye tetap


Blogged @ 9:09 PM

Saturday, January 2, 2010

 this picture(last 2 above) wen i took n review it i  saw somebody beside me .. nowwen i uploaded it .. its fyne waliaw!!

this is me wen at nyte around 1+ a.m i was fcking bored ntg 2 doe .. soo i took somee picss .. hahah well .. i get scared fer awhile after taking the pic n review it bck heheh .. i saw sometynk hahah .. ouh well ... scary sioot .. i lyke somebody is beside me .. now wen i upload it here theres ntg  ... hahah .. ouh well ... the tynk also wanna take pic .. hahah .. in their werld has no camera detz y hahah ..  ouh well stop it i noe ... hahah .. soo today i need 2 myt my god bro .. cz therez some probs i shud settle wyf hym hmm .. well .. its all about me larh .. he wanna settle it .. hmm ... ouh well .. hmm ..

!nxt story!
OMG!! skl gonna opening soon .. i havent collected my book yet .. ahh!! omg!! haha .. my skirt also .. hahah .. goe auter .. bt havvent collect it yet hahah .. ouh well wad 2 doe .. heheheh ...  this year gonna be sec 4 .. wow soo fast .. hahah ... well ya la .. sec 4 oweady bt still short hahah ... shawtty2 .. hahah ... (sad) heheh ... =( hmm well short , short la wad 2 doe ... hahah .. as long as im happy wyf it its fyne wad . hahah ... ok larh i gtg now wanna check out wadzup wyf my video at youtube ..updating soon toodles ...

shorty crown TETAP shawt ..

Blogged @ 11:34 AM

Friday, January 1, 2010

thnkx eyh bie fer making me wait n worried sick bout eu ... wad eu noe bout me ? hmph ? well i tynk eu dnt noe anytynk .. Hmmm .. congrats kae ... eu sae eu have some problems outside .. nn eu dnt wanna tell me .. eu said noe secrets btwn us ... bt now eu r keeping sometynkfrom me .. well i noe its ur personal probs .. bt y wnt eu share wyf me ? hmph ? well ... y eu treat me lyke diz bie ? ='(  haish ... well .. i also haf my personal probs .. bt i share wyf eu ok ..thnkx fer everytynk kae .. eu make me cry also ....  thnkx fer everytynk .. making me cry , waiting lyke hell n worried sick bout eu ... thnkx ... i love it .. eu also love it ryte ? i noe eu doe .. hmmm eu noe wad ? its a waste of my tyme waiting fer eu tody .. eu dnt even tynk of wad i feel now ... i scold eu bcz of some reasons .. bt wad eu sae ... 'mrh kae puas2'  detz wad eu sae 2 me ... eu simply jz dnt care is it ? is det wad eu try 2 tell me ? hmph ? tell me through ur reaction .. ? y must eu doe diz 2 me hmph ? y cnt eu jz tell me ?? ouh i ferget its UR problem ryte ... sooo eu dnt wanna tell me even abit of it! thnkx la eyh .. sweet of eu!!! hmmm its sweet eu noe!!!!! hahah ouh pls sweet ? GTH r!!! i tynk ryte .. wad ever hppns 2 eu .. noe need 2 tell me r .. last tyme .. ur broz tell me wad hppn 2 eu .. n now they r not here .. eu are now getting more smatter 2 make ur own decision ... tynk twice dear b4 doing anytynk ... plzz bie tynk of the ppl eu love ...  well .. if eu really wanna noe i reallie care fer eu detz y i keep scolding eu wen eu did sometynk wrong ... jz wanna say thnkx again making me wait jz now .. i actuallie dnt mynd bt eu shud noe de eu must always inform me if derz anytynk .. kae .. n sae 2 mama ... thnkx r eyh! hmm .. lau tk kasy eu goe down n kol me next tyme said soo.. n larang eu 2 kuar dary ur b.e.a.utiful house .. kae .. i also dnt 1 eu 2 get scolded by her .. nxt tyme lau tkle jz tell me yes i will sae ..alahhh plzz la .. bt actuallie its ok wyf me kae ... btw once again dnt just jump into conclusion 2 make sometynk stupid kae .. i noe eu love ur couzin soo damn much bt ... plss.. tynk twice bby ... hope eu understands me shyg


Blogged @ 11:26 PM



Name:FyFy c3p3t!
D.O.B: 1st February 199_

hey peeps.. hmm FIONA! iz her BIG name..

hmmm.. jz kol her FyFy
or Shawtiie Ladiie
or kecyq!
will doe....

FyFy c3p3t iz a SIMPLE GHERL

who get along wip her peers well...
she iz a SENSITIVE
gerl 2...

she love break-dancing n pakouring.. hahah..

she is also currently ATTCHED wip her DEAREST DEAR DARLINKK.....
, :)


, :)


†❤† Others †❤†

†❤†Huniie buniie ku!†❤†
♥ShaSha KecyK♥

♥Abg zoul♥

♥FikoBarney Hunneyku♥

♥TySuperGirl[chikarosz ku]♥
♥SiTi![chikarosz ku]♥

♥Nana Akheno[Chiikarosz ku]♥

♥WanPakour [Bro]♥

♥Rikki [Bro]♥

†❤†Doliie Qhuw!†❤†

†❤†Kwn Kwn qhuw†❤†
♥KaK YaS♥




, :)


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Designer: Lovezxz-
Basecodes 1: Clarissa
Basecodes 2: Stevan
Image Hosting: Photobucket
Image edit and animations: Photoshop Elements 5.0