Pls don't right-click(:
Friday, April 30, 2010

1 year anniversary today with my hubiie .. yeah!!!! soo happie yea!!
ii tot he dnt wanna msg me to wiish me .. bt atlastmy bro raihan told me that..
my guy msg hym 2 pass 2 me happy 1st year anniversary .. omg! ii realiie burst iinto tears man ..

iim soriie  cz ii dnt have anytynk 2 give 2 eu ... hmm nga noe money nyh haiish pape pn
happy 1st year anniversary dear!!!

Blogged @ 9:01 PM

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ii realiie miiss my cute huniie buniie hu8biie moonliight soo much ... 
hmmm .. when cn ii meet hym up again .. haishh ...
realiie miiss hym alot ..  haiish ... 
he iis now bz working and all that kind of stuff .. haiish..
yes ii just meet hym last week but onliie fer a momment ..
haiish .. the tiime det we wen 2 EAST COAST PARK. .
ii miss hym... hu cn ii turn 2 now .. 
now all my sadness n hapiieness ii share wyf my god brother..
hmm well... shyg ii hope eu r nt angry.. 
eu've been b werking slping den werk agaiin ..
den hu shud ii turn 2 .. 2 share my feeling up n down ?
haiish ... shyg ... im soriie lau ii share iit ngn my abg angkt hmm ..
n ya dear ... my hp kene confiscate tau .. 
n now iim nt blaming but iits a fact det .. fafa  (centre of the pic)

 hmmm well ... we had an prelimary exam today .. den at arnd 9+ ii tynk ..
her fone rang bcs of the alarm thingy... haiish ... soo kecooh man ..
hmm .. aftr school need 2 search fer our teacher .. det .. 
we get SCOLDED by hym haiish ..
bcs of HER hp ... MY HP GONE 2 .. haiish ..
worst came 2 worst detz nt my hp ..
n my teacher say ... we can get iit on 13 may aftr all the examination ends
waliiaw ... wad a long journey 2 waiit ..
haiish.. nn ya ii dnt now bout wad .. but aftr her fone get confiscated,
she lyke angry wyf me .. wtf!! iits her fault det her fone kena take..
haiish realiie hate her attitude r sk ....!!

2 my shyg :

2 fafa:
HMMM ...

Blogged @ 6:48 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2010

yesterday get to go out.. yeah!!
well bfr det how many weeks bfr det .. me n my beloved huniie moonlight plan 2 goe to the baech ..
soo yea .... our plan works ..
at first ii tot ii cnt go out bt finally ii get 2 goe out ... argh! at last hahaha ..
soo yea .. get ready to gor out .. ii bring my lil bro along wyf me .. soo yea .. hmm ..
den we proceed 2 7-eleven 2 top up our ez-link..
soo that walk till the bus stop near Innova JC ..
soo waited n waited fer the bus 168 2 fetch us up ...
at last iit appear heheh ..
well took the bus and we siit iin the bus lyke a stupid kid.
waiting for the right stop to alight ..
soo atlast .. we reach bedok inter n we alight  der..
den .. almk!! forget la .. my hp batt flat oweady hehe ..
soo ii call me hubiie up

me: biie eu pt ne ? ii da smpai

hubiie: i pt nyh r umh bojack..

me: ouh ok ii da smpaii tau.. ii waiit kt phone booth tau ... cpt tau..

hubiie : ok

soo yea ... my coversation syf my hubiie .. well iits quite long ii waited fer my hubiie 2 appear ..
at last wen ii waited fer  about 15-20 mins they appear .. haha..
ii tot we ace starter onliie goe bt he bring along some frenns.. 1st ii kept quiet .. bt  atlast..
iit turn out to me friendly hehe ..
well such a gr8 moment hahah..
well aftr a long wait n dey arrive.. we all proceed 2 east coast park...
but soriie eyh ... we nvr took bus or taxi or anytynk kae .. we WALK to the park haha ..
tiring liiaw! haha but iits ok ..
atleast we all as a group soo KECOH .. hahah ...
hmmm soo yea ... wen we are on our way 2 east coast park .. well ii bring my valueables along rhyte ii use my white side back .. soo yea .. all my things are inside .. n iits quite heavy (nt that heavy la)
den at last ii ask my hubiie 2 carry fer me heheh...
me soo bad rhyte .. ii noe hehe .. but ok la at least iits not det heavy ..
soo yea he carry my bag .. i carry the tent which he carry ... haha .
sooo bla3 ...

we reach east coast park at last!!! yeah!!!!!!
but sparoh jln one of our member name joe .. 
make a u-turn 2 goe some wer.. we also dnt noe .. hmm ..
soo yea .. we make a move first .. soo we stop at one of the place 2 buy water actualiie..
den suddently joe appear .. hahah .. frm far we saw hym ..
hmm .. well he walk very fast euu noe.. haha ... det hys hands was lyke in a marching..
soo all of us saae..
hahaha .. we keep shouting that till he came near 2 us .. hahha sooo funny .. heheh ...
soo yea .. den we try 2 find an area to place our things n set up our tent ...
soo yea ,... hah .... soo kecooh... again! ahaha
at last we find a place .. but noe shelter hmm soo sad.. haha ..
 but nvm .. aftr a while of sitting, me n my cute hunnie buniie hubiie moonliight..
go fynd a shop 2 buy water and while we are walking we try 2 fynd a spot werz there is a shelter .. hehe ...
sooo yeahh .. we are headig bck 2 our place .. we found a shelter .. well yea .. my hubiie kol uyul..
to procced 2 the shelter area .. soo yea .... move everything ... hahah ..
soo yea .. aftr set up everything again ... me n my hubiie get change n wen to the sea side .. hmm
well .. aftr det ,.. my hubiie wen up bck 2 take some thing. he say he dnt wanna goe for a swim..
soo ii plan with other to throw hym inside the water .. haha . .soooo funny euu noe ...
den ii wen up to war my hubiie first ... hahah ... bfr he gets a phobia thingy came agaiin hah ..
soo ii ask hym 2 took out hys shirt n place iit one siide . soo we wen down .. n ya ..
they plan to throw my hubiie in the water .. hahah ..
i cnt really remember who chase aftr hym 1st ..
but the second tyme iit is fino ... ii think .. ya iits fino ..
haha they run soo far lashey .. hahahah..
den at last ... tk menjadii la nk campak dyer .. hahahah ..
toooo bad. .. hahah... soo yea .. soo atlast everyone jump into the water and play around ..
well the boiis are soo kecoh euu noe .. haha ..
they plan 2 learn how 2 flip .. hahah they gather and make a square shape..
using their own hands to support them bfr they flip ... soo yea ...
one by one the boiiz start to flip .. they make a back flip .. kiut la shey hahah ..
hmmm soo yea ... hahah .. den ii say to my hubiie det not learning to flip indide the water la dey haha ..
den he just smile .. alhaii .. he sooo lazy 2 entertain me hehe ..
hmm well wadever .. soo .. yea ... den me n my hubiie relek one corner ...
hmm while the other wass soo bz 2 race.. hah hnt any kind of race ok this is swimming race tyme ..
haha .. who is the fastest and the 1st wiin haha .. well lyke duuhh euu dnt get any prize..
hmmmm .... yea... den atlast we all wen up bcz therez this one mother fcker bring hys/her dog inside the water... lyke fck rhyte .. ii noe hahh .. den we just slack2 outside the tent n bla3 .. well soo kecooh jgk la .. haha ... hmmm ... soo yea .. aftr ii get readiie oweady have my bath n all that kind of stuff .. ii get readiie 1st bfr goiing bck .. soo yea ... ii goe bckat 8.30 .. haha h... need 2 be home at 10.30 dohkss .. haha .
well my hubiie send me home lyke duhhh hahah .. ok la detz my stoiie fer yesterdatyyy t.y
n ya iim soriie ii dnt have any pictures to show euu guys ... ii havnt took iit frm my members la .. hehe ..


Blogged @ 4:11 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010

hmmm aku btl2 rase bersalah..
hmmm bkn aku nk biiar kn dyer menagis seorang diri kt siitu tapiie ..
nyh hal antare dyer n raihan kn .. aku tknk interfere .. hmmm ..
ku tau yg aku sptt nye pujok dyer ...
but wad cn ii sae .. haiish ...
they r soo stubborn to listen to our advices ...
sooo ii suggest to tareq diirii / lps tgn la .. hmmm
iim soriie gherl .,. ii realiie dnt mean iit ... fafa will say the same thing iif euu ask her..
well .. raihan still sayang you (ii think) hmm...
iits onliie det.. he cnnt tolerate ur attitude towards hym .. hmm.....
well .. pls gherl .. ii hope euu dnt doe anything stupid ok ..
trust me .. there r more guys out der euu cn fiind .. hmm ...
raihan love eu dear .. but euu look at urself ... are euu ready foe all this ?
euu make raihan waited n waited euu noe ..
raihan have been patient fer about 4 mnths (ii thiink)
hmm .... jgn mcm giniie kae gherl ... tkmo cry2 lagiie ok/..
remember... lame jokes always cure you ..

Q: what did the doctor say if he is angry ?
A: i lose my 'patient'
hahah remember det ? hmm euu was soo happie rhyte..
wen eu gave us this lame jokes .. soo come on.. cheer up kae ...

Blogged @ 5:37 PM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

hal yang terkekek skaliie ..
ade org 2 kn .. status da sgl taw!! haha!!
dari pade married trz sgl ke ? haha .. kecooh kn ..
2 la ckp ngn abg kaw.. laen kaliie tkmo nk maen sumpah2 org .. noe gd hehe ...
hmm c wad hppn kaw ngn dyer jgk da break off kn tsk4 .... kecooh kn hahah..

k la peeps update esk ya .. nk slp

Blogged @ 10:18 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

 ii realiie miish my fav artist of all ...

ii realiie miish them .. RIP 2 both of them ...
Takziah untuk keluarga mereka ..
alhatihah untuk mereka ....
ii realliie cry wen i now det they r not in this world anymore ...
OMG!!  ii realiie cnt believe iit ..
fer MJ ii dnt realiie noe y he iis dead .. but fer my fav singer achik spin ii noe ..
he was involved in a accident along the highway ... the car get burn...
but alhamdullilah he manage 2 jump out of the car first .. but Allah realiie love hym..
and took away hys soul ... well .. kita hanya mampu sedekah kn alfatihah sahaja kpada kedua2 nya sekalii ..


Blogged @ 8:41 PM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

well try 2 ask my bro bout the mask thingy .. and ended up he say .. at PLAZA SINGAPURA have iit ..
sooo yea .. try 2 fiind the right date 2 doe out n have some survey.. heheh
well lazy 2 update more .. gtg wanna sleep ... iif nt i will b late fer school tmrw .. haha ..
nytesz ppl .. n 2 my hubiie moonliight ....
eventhough ii am not around anymore,

Blogged @ 11:40 PM

iim soo fcking stress.. haiish try 2 search the white mask .. i mean lyke the phantom opera mask .. lyke below

haiish.. where to fiind iit ? to all.. pls tell me where to find this type of mask in singapore ok!
hahahah... hmmmm n how much iit cost ? hmmm ... haiish soo stress out .. spending my 2 hours infront of this comp trying to search for the mask online haiish bt ii still cnt get iit..

HELP ME PPL!!!!!!!!


Blogged @ 4:26 PM

Friday, April 16, 2010

today ii meet my hubiie up.. well he accidently briing hys camera along iin hys guitar bag ... heheh ..
soo here are soome of the pictures we took iin the afternoon.. hehe .. haviing alot of fun today ..
haha .. ouh well.. kecooh babe ... hahah..

Blogged @ 9:41 PM

almk biiken drh uup je eyh...
hahah ..  BBN ? fiirm tk fiirm sk hubiie ku BBN ..
ke kaw BBN sk .. gdh pgl abg ... haha ...
kecooh r krg.. n ya .. jgn asl blh tudoh kae ..
hmmm ... pk krg TERROR sgt pe ?
aduuh2 ... mepeq nye .. BBN eyh ? ouh al kesah ...
lau hubiie ku BBN kaw ape ? Y.P r amcm set ? hahah
mepeq je .. gdh pt fb .. hahah step mane peyh braniie set tyme date tmpt ..
tau2 werld ... cz kaw kn slalu A.W.I.E .. hahah ...
hahah nk tau tk A.W.I.E 2 ape ? hahah
nyh ku blng kaw .. ciian ye kaw tk tau .. nyh ku blng ..
A > always
W > world
I > iin
E > everything
da tau ? eyh eyh ... lau da bgz la .. hahah
sooo r euu det type ? hahha bbl kosong tk maen la babe..
da bbl buktii kn kae.. everything det kaw bbl 2 adelah doa ok ..
hmm lau kaw rase2 bencii pt hubiie ku kn .. ckp je babe ...
tkya uat ciite ..
da sahh krg mmg Y.P hahah ..
step nk bbl hubiie ku BBN konon waliiaw ....
mepeq skk ... hahah ... kaw p ddk kt living room ke store room pn ok jgk.
den kaw p pk aleq pe kaw da ckp kae.. ku rase bbl kosong ngn hubiie ku..
mmg tk gune .. hahah .. da larhh stop iit sk krg ... mepeq sk... hahah ...


Blogged @ 2:09 PM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

 bored! bored! bored ! haha .. now chatiing wiif my hubiie moonliight n my couz frm m'sia..
hahah ...
nga chat sempat dgr lagu ...
heheh.. ii realiie miish my hubiie moonliight hehe ... wen cn we meet agaiin shyg ?
heheh ...  well .. wad 2 doe .. hmm well me n my hubiie moonliight iis tryiing our best to open ur a crew...
dance crew ..
robots, break danciing and hiip hop..
wanna joiin? do tag me or giime a msg 
at my email...
heheh .. hoope eu all giime a tag iif eu wanna follow up ya heheh ....

stop iit bout det topic .. hahahah dance! dance! dance! waliiaw ! peniing ke dance! dance! dance! tk pnt ka ? hahah ... mesty la penat .. n ya .. ii will be leadiing eu guys for breakdanciing .. heheh ... well .. eu can see det iim small bt! iim active heheh heheh ... blueq~~ hahah iim goiin craziie baybehh.. hahah ..
ouh well ok larhh till here..

dnt fer get to drop a msg or tag iif eu wanna joiin 


Blogged @ 10:13 PM

Sunday, April 11, 2010

ii dnt know yy bt iit suddenly came iinto my miind .. hmm ..
well .. last tyme i used 2 have a besties ... bt aftr iim attch 2 my hubiie ...
we r just frenz .. hmmm ..
well ... ii reallie miiss the tyme ii spent wyp hym last tyme ..
of course ii noe iim attch wyf someone ...
ii dnt wanna break my relatiionshiip ..
hmmm wen iim attch we r still frenz .. bt ..
aftr he get attch .. ii cn see det ..
he starts 2 ferget bout hys own fren det always be there fe rhym wen he iis stiill single ..
haiish ... iim sooo sad .. well .. onliie wen ii msg hym iin fb or msn den he wiill rply ..
iif nt .. he will nt ever ever gonna talk 2 e ....
haiish ... iidk la haiish ... iim nt hurt bcz of he dnt care bout me ..
bt iim hurt wen he does tiix 2 me ..
haiish .. tiill here ... iim hurt .. wyp my phamiily siituatiion ... my hubiie .. n hym n my frenzz...
haiiish ..


Blogged @ 10:47 PM

Saturday, April 10, 2010

haiish ... iim getiing fed up bout all tiix haiish ..
well .. aku fed up psl shyg aku ..
asl mesty setiap mlm ku kol dyer ...
dyer tknk angkat .. nnt esk nye ku kol .. dyer kasii alasan,...
'soriie la biie ii tk dgr smlm'
haiish pk aku nyh ape ..
aku nyh sape ? haiish ....
hmmmm biie iif eu r readiing tiix .. pls giimme cmnt on my cbox ..
n dnt ferget ur explanation..
well dear ... eu slalu elak kn diirii dariie ii .. nape biie ?
wad ii doe ?? haiish ...
jgn ckp jz bcz of the msg yg .. tkmo ghinii r bhie .
euu trz down smpaii nyh mcm haiish ..
pe sala ii biie ?
asl eu tiibe2 nyh mcm ?
iis iit bcz of ii cntrl eu ? hmm ..
biie .. ii nk ayiie yg ii knl ...
bkn skrg nye .. yg tk endah kn ii .. haiish ......
iif eu r readiing tiix biie .. pls giimme a kol kae ...


Blogged @ 11:12 PM

Thursday, April 8, 2010

uuzz tkt nye!
ade org 2 da bbl r .. tk buehh shey ... hahah ...
well .... tk mkn pmpn ?
eyh eyh mmg la .. hahah ... kaw mkn makanan je org tk kn ..
hahah .. kekek la .. hahah .... maseh boii la nk uat pe kn .. bll step terror je ..
haha tk buehh la konon nye .. ok la .. fye nk tgk r...
dyer trn ke tk .. hahah .. alhaii nyh mamat ..
trn pn nk uat ape .... haha ... pukol aku ?
rembat aku ?
zaman biile nyh aiiyoyo .. hahha
alhaii y.p lagiie nk uat ape kn .. hmmm ...


Blogged @ 10:48 PM

hey der ppl .. hahahh ..
ku kt siiniie cume nk ckp lau krg tk readiie fer all the rumours n everythig else ... jgn jatuh cinta dong!!
hahah .. example diix one fcking guy .. hahah .. well he iis my ex ouh well n dyer tk trime pe yg aku ciite kt pmpn dyer psl dyer ..
hahah .. alh pmpn 2 pn bkn org laen ... my guy nye sdare jgk haha ... ouh well ... hahah .. alh mepeq la .. n somemore dyer nk gertak aku ngn mataer ku .. pk ku goyang kappa boii >? hahah .. da larhh name ahboi ape tahh .. hmmm maseh sasueii lgiie eyh haahh ... mepeq la babe .. haha .. lau kaw nk carii kite . fyne trn kampong kiite babe ... hahah .. jgn ckp besar/terror .. haha buktii kn r .. ku tunggu kaw eyh AHBOII ,, hahahah


Blogged @ 10:20 AM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

hey peeps .. jz log in 2 post some of my photo det ii ediit iit yesterday heheh .. iif nt niice soriie .. hhe

Blogged @ 2:42 PM

Monday, April 5, 2010

 one of the picture me n my frenz took at sentosa
nariie kt skola p SENTOSA... heheheh ... well do ii have fun ? 
well before we doe the sand castle thingy we feel excited la .. 
but iin the miidle of the building ii feel lyke ahh 'wadever' hmm .. 
well .. boriing plus fun .. plus sick plus hot day ... waliiaw .. sooo kecooh haha ..
hmm pape pn ok la nt bad la ... haha .. saket2 p skola eyh .. 
sape ajr ? ahahah .. alh nk joiin iin the fun nye psl r .. haha ...
but .. kt sane panas teriik kn .. soo come on .. FIGHT THE SUN!!! 
haha .... blueq! haha ... fiiona da gyler la haha .. hmmm ..
well .. ntg  2 doe oweady .. at home soo mendaq .. ngntok pn ade ..
biinget pn ade .. haiish mcm2 r ..
haiish noe need 2 noe yy fiiona biinget kae!
none of ur busiiness ..!!!!!!
hmm well change topiic iif nt ii wiill b more iirriitated hmm ...
haiish ..
sometyme ii jz hate my lyfe!! 
haiish ,... well wad  2 doe .. wanna slash my hang agaiin cnnt ...
nnt 2 ank mrh .. ii mean my guy r ,, haiish ..
well .. try 2 cntrl hym deeply now .. bcz of some reason .. 
YG KAT LUAR 2 KRG JGN NK PK MATAER KU KENE QUEEN CONTROL LA!!!! KENE KONGKONG NGN AKU LA .. AKU ASEQ SUKE CNTRL MATAER TILL TKDE KEBEBASAN LA .!!!! cut all det crap out kae!!!! iits due 2 some reason eyh ... jgn nk tudoh sembarangan r eyh!! mukke tk kt lantaii tk sah .. hmm ... k la ntg more 2 wriite ... 
mendaq sk ... haiish .. my guy pn seboq lyn my abg kn kae fyne!!!
ku srg pn tkde pasal r! haiish ...
wadever la !! argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hate tiix kiind on situaation .... haiish ..
argh wadever r!!!!


Blogged @ 9:14 PM

Sunday, April 4, 2010

tadiie pagie2 da p ameeq iibu den p psr geylang ..
ofcourse la .. p mkn dulu .. heheh .. den proceed p bwh 2 buy brg2..
den ok la mc biiase jgk sume ... den suddenly ..
wen kiite nk kt abes shopping brg dapur ...
ii mean brg2 sume .. we saw tix one HYSSHE .. means ..
a guy b dress up as a gher ll. . ii was lyke omg ..
hahah ... tapiie lau mude tkde dohk . nyh da tue jgk muke .. haha ..
gy psr tapiie kn pkaii baju glamour you! haha ...
tepranjat ii tau hahah ... ouh well .. den wen iit came 2 the section of ermm ..
vegetable ii thiink wanna noe wad the person sae ?
"busuk la bg .." dyer bbl ngn sape tahh ..
hahah ... kekek babe ... hahah .....


Blogged @ 11:50 AM

Friday, April 2, 2010

trying 2 doe my homework .. but no mood la peeps heheh ..
its a boriing day tdy .. hmm .. well . wd 2 doe ... iin the afternoon my dad briing me n my siibliings 2 the swiimmiing pool .. ok la .. nt bad .. hmm .. go bck arnd 2+ lyke det ... yea/.. hehe ..
den all the wae at home iim stucj wyp the comp... playiing games, watchiing moviie at youtbe ... all det stuff ... ii was jz about 2 start 2 do my comprehension hmwk bt no mood la haish... hmm .. ii also tried 2 kol my hubiie frm jz now .. bt he nvr piick up the fone .. haiish ... wer he goe also iidk.. hmm ..
ape lagiie nk update eyh .. haah nga blank shey haha ..
ouh ya .. on monday there some event organize by my school ... goiing 2...... SENTOSA.!!
welll not 4 relexiing kae .. bt dez somethiing goiing on .. haha .. we are all iin the SAD CASTLE BUILDING..
hmmm .. da sec 4 masiih kene play sand hahah ... kiire okeii la 2 hahah ... nt bad hahah ..
well iidk wad tyme iit fiiniishes.. ii tot of fetching my shyg frm hys school bt c how la .. hmm...
c wad tyme ii finiish my event den cn proceed 2 tamp .. hahah .. fetch my shyg den slack fer awhiile den proceed 2 wdlands hahah... cool due kalii keje untk aku hahah .. alh tk psl la .. hmm hope my mum keje la ye hahah ... almk ... my mum tk keje la .. ouh ouh .. aru ingt haiish ... kecoh la .. hmmm ...
k la tk tau pe lagiie nk update .. bye bye


Blogged @ 7:16 PM

Thursday, April 1, 2010

bertengkar ngn my hubiie AGAIN.. haish ... well .. i dint mean 2 reject wad he say .. bt ii dnt 1 hym 2 fight wyf my own fren .. haish ... well ..
yesterdae ermm aftr lunch on study period no teacher came in 2 our class.. 
soo kite sume da mcm monyet la .. 
hmm den dez 1 part ii ask my fre fer sweet .. 
den he show a sign 2 isap hys 'det one' den ku trz maki dyer n complain it 2 my hubiie la .. haish ... lps 2 hubiie aku srh pgl dyer ii say tkmo nk gdh r plss r favour r .. bt in fact of he saying ok . he sshouted at the phone ask me 2 pgl my fren .. hmm .. ku btl2 tknk drg gdh ... haishh elak kn dariie drg gdh.. aku n hubiie aku plk yg gdh haish .. ku btl2 nk ckp soriie pt dyer .. hmm ku kol dyer ... dyer tknk angkat... ku msg tk rply .... even using hys adq's no. haiish ... stress dohh .. knape larhh semue ny berlaku .. hmm ... well ...

sayang.. ii tknk gdh ngn eu taw .. iim realiie soriie fer wad i've done .. hmmmm...
ii hope eu will forgive me .. n we can be bck 2 normal .. hmmmm ....


Blogged @ 5:42 AM



Name:FyFy c3p3t!
D.O.B: 1st February 199_

hey peeps.. hmm FIONA! iz her BIG name..

hmmm.. jz kol her FyFy
or Shawtiie Ladiie
or kecyq!
will doe....

FyFy c3p3t iz a SIMPLE GHERL

who get along wip her peers well...
she iz a SENSITIVE
gerl 2...

she love break-dancing n pakouring.. hahah..

she is also currently ATTCHED wip her DEAREST DEAR DARLINKK.....
, :)


, :)


†❤† Others †❤†

†❤†Huniie buniie ku!†❤†
♥ShaSha KecyK♥

♥Abg zoul♥

♥FikoBarney Hunneyku♥

♥TySuperGirl[chikarosz ku]♥
♥SiTi![chikarosz ku]♥

♥Nana Akheno[Chiikarosz ku]♥

♥WanPakour [Bro]♥

♥Rikki [Bro]♥

†❤†Doliie Qhuw!†❤†

†❤†Kwn Kwn qhuw†❤†
♥KaK YaS♥




, :)


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