Pls don't right-click(:
Sunday, May 30, 2010

to eu guys out der.. beware of this guy.... 

he iis using bearshare acct... well.. suddenly he say .. my moonliight's face lyke p**im*k
well .... try to talk nicely.... haha... no fana2 ... tyme flyis man fer all this fana thingy...
whats the big deal of doiing  det? well he say if my moonliight iis nt happy with iit fiind hym and beat hym up.. hmm.. whats wrong with all this guys huh ?  well.. he iis tryiing to be fana wiith me... bt nahhh .. try 2 play niice.. well he iis 18 thats what he said to me bt act to be 22.. idnt noe which one i rhyte.. well he stay iin khatib .. nd hys name is zul.. well... now he wanna make frens with me.. he had saiid soriie.. bt ii say iits nt a big deal anyway... just dnt use hursh werds on peapole eu dnt noe.. hmm well.. he literaly listen to me and say okay.. hahah.. funny guy huh... hahah. okae la updatiing more soon wanna rest. hehe chiiaw!


Blogged @ 9:27 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2010

 the date 300409 is beiing renewed to 290510 .... the date to remember iis 290510... but although the date iis beiing renewed, 300409 will always stay iin my heart no mttr wad.... ii get my moonliight back iin my lyfe.. nd iim happy fer iit.. but at the same tyme... ii feel sad bcs ii have to leave nasrun....
ii really appreciate wad he did for me nd more.. all the sweet memories with hym ii will keep iin my brain box..
well... enough of the touchiing story.. well .. iif eu all wanna noe..... tdy iis my moonliight's birthday... well ii patch bck with hym on hys birthday la weii geng hahah... hmmm... really love hym.... haiish... ii tot ii cnt get hym bck.. but with GOD's miracle ii get my moonliight bck iin my hand... TRIME KASIH YA ALLAH... hmm... sendiing lots nd lots of luv to my moonliight ... nd to nasrun... luv fer eu 2... bt as my fren... hmm..

290510 >FYZRIEN is beiing RENEWED!...< 

Fifie tynkerbell got to go now.. wanna rest... sooo damn tired... nd ii also wanna rest my mynd.. nd clear up everything det iis nt needed in my memory heheh...... nytes everyone.. have a great nyte slp/....



Blogged @ 10:21 PM

ii noe that my result iis bad... but eu noe need to call me...
stupid nd hopeless infront of my face rhyte...
euu really hurt my heart..... haiish.. iif you dnt lyke me at all just throw me out the house..
lyke the way eu throw my report book on the table... haiish
ii hate iit det way okay... fyne! iim hopeles useless.. what  more ???
may be eu guys just dont understand me ...
yes! eu guys just dont understand me... ii noe.. haiish..
this is wad eu say eu love me ? soriie la weii geng ... ii dnt tynk soo la kae...
ii am just waiiting fer the riight tyme to go... haiish
why must all thiis hppn to me..
iim in the middle of a problem.. and this kind of problem came iinto my mynd...
what now ??!!?!??!!??!?!?!? haiish .. really need tyme to rest my mynd..
nd change y myndsets.. haiish....

Blogged @ 8:59 PM

Blogged @ 12:03 PM

today iis my moonliight bday .. happy fer hym .. would lyke 2 wiish happy 17 bday ya bro hahaha..
Hope all ur wiishes came through ya ... nariie gy ecp kn to celebrate ? hmm have fun dnt hurt ur self.. n  pls njoy ya .. hehe... sooo.. ermmm iim soriie bcs ii cnt go to ur bday party... iits nt bcs of ii dnt want to bt ii cnt go out.. hope eu understand ya .... heheh... okay la.. ur bday present nnt fifie kasii kae.. blm buy.. duet ade bt blm buy heheh.. buyiing iit soon kae my dearest ex heheh...



Blogged @ 11:25 AM

Friday, May 28, 2010

this are all the photos that ii edit recently.. ntg better to do la weii ...
soo bored at home till ntg to do soo ediit pic iis the best tynk,... my fav hobiie la... haha
well... iingt nk uat lyric lagu untk my moonliight (A****)
bt tk jadiie la mls haha.. sooo add add photo photo.. hehe... kae la nyh gmbr2 nye ye tuan tuan puan puan kanak2 hahahahaahahahaha... tthe gherl  name yaniie iis my chiikaro my crazy baby chiikaro heheh ... yaniie byool.. hahah.... the pic name kartun casanova iis my beloved ex.. my moonliight heheheh yang laen gmbr phm2 mmbr gua jgk hahahahaha

Blogged @ 10:35 PM

my beloved bedok's phamily heheh... well miish them la weii...
hmmm hope to meet them up soon... well ACE STARTER ttp hidop dlm hatii ku hehehe
taking our pledge together as one soon too heheh....
shyg mereka.... selalu..... heheheh....

Blogged @ 4:24 PM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

thiis iis the msg det my dearest ex la upon me.... iim soo fckiing touched...

I miss you so much day and night
I can't realise why you're gone
I just think I treat you right
but now I'm again alone

The days without you are so long 
these days - without your kiss and smile
and I don't know what I've done wrong
I've been thinking of this for a while

A few questions that I need to know -
why does my heart feel so bad ?
why you could ever hurt me so ?
why can't I get you out of my head ?....

Now I'm standing here alone
with this weight upon my heart 
wondering why you're gone
remembering our feelings from the start

In my mind I have all my memories in a range - 
each moment spent with you 
is unforgettable
but I can't realise what made you change
for me this is just un-get-able

I know I won't pull trough without you by my side
so baby come to me - don't run and hide
The only thing I want is to be with you
please honey - make my wish come true

Don't you know that you make my days count?
And I'm always happy when you're around
it doesn't matter what we do
as long as I'm here with YOU
thnkx fer thiis swiit msg.. 
although iits nt frm eu or something ii still love iit...
hmmmm thnkx fer everythinng ya dear.....

Blogged @ 8:23 AM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

iim here to tell eu guys wad ii feel now... iim currently feeliing sad.... haiish..
ii realiie miish my ex... MUHD AZRIN BIN MOHD...

iim realiie touched wiith hys msg fer me... hmm... feel lyke cryiing... regretiing.. cn ii lyke kill myself.. somebody help me!!! haiish...
the sweet msg he lay upon me iis soo damn swiit.... ii realiie regret about my decision... haiish.. ii want hym bck.. bt ii cnt... yy cnt ii!!!! iim soo fckiing stupiid... ayiie... ii will nt ferget eu till the last day ii cn live iin thiis wonderful world.. ii will leave eu with al lthe sweet memories ... wen iim gone ii will make sure that ii make eu happy nd more dear.... eu noe ii still love eu... although iif eu r attch or iim attch or wad.. ii will still love eu.. eu r the best guy that ii noe.. eu make me smile eu make me laugh nd more.. eu teach me wad iis love all about... thnkx fer everythinng dear...... ii realiie appreciiate iit dear.. haiish
how ii wiish we r bck together agaiin...
although eu have make alot of mistake through out our relationship together in 1 year +++ ii still fergiive eu nd love eu.... beiing besiide eu nd guide eu iis my mission.... ii noe eu hate me oweady.. cz ii've make thiis stupid decisiion..... iim nt beggiing fer eu tosaiid to me soriie or accept my apologie... ii jz 1 eu 2 understand how ii feel.. ii've been keepiing thiis fer a long tyme wen ii msg wiith eu...  ii tried to tell eu all thiis... bt iidk whye... iit iis soo hard fer me to tell eu all thiis... iif eu r readiing this pls understand me.. btw.. wen eu scold me nd scold bckwerds on me.. ii realiie dnt miind cz ii noe ii deserve iit.. haiish .... ii jz 1 eu bck iin my lyfe.. ii realiie miish eu shyg.... ii nk eu..
bt ii noe ii cnt get eu..... soo sad storiie ii noe... (sempat uat lawak)
hmmmm.. shyg pls understand kae...... pape msg me kae dear.... hmmm hopiing 2 meet eu up...
ii realiiie wanna hug eu,.. nd share my tears wiith eu dear....... ii realiie do...........

remains iin my heart.... for ever nd ever............
ii will remember eu without faiil dear....

ii shyg kn euu!!!!! ='(


Blogged @ 2:34 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2010

hey bro nd babes... soriie fer nt updatiing my blog fer such aa long tyme.. been bz wiith my problems nd stuff.. hmm.. well.. now iim nt my self anymore..
oopps sala ckp.. wad i mean iis.. iim nt the old me anymore... hmm.. well.. iim nt det hapiie now...
sad2 all the way... hmm.. well.. currently bz slackiing... hang out wiiv my braders at 622... soo yea..
2 my classmates.....
iits nt bcs of kiite da lpk 622 nd dpt brader pt sane... kiite lupe kn krg tau...
kiite ttp iingt kn krg.. kiite da kwn 3-4 YEARS oweady tau... hmmm
mane blh lupe kn krg..
jgn la salah phm.. lately.. kiite nga ade probs je...
hmm kae2 now aku btl2 tk phm.. nape krg skarg aru nk ckp yg kiite lupe kn krg..
padehal da lame ku nd my baby crazy chiikaro (yaniie) lpk 622.. hmm
skrg aru krg nk bunyi... sape da hasot krg nyh ? aku iingt kiite brader syzter fer lyfe pe...
ii tk tau pe nk ckp pt eu psl.... eu da tkle balance kn lynan eu with us nd ur guy..
hmm bkn nk ckp ape la babe.. bt iits true...
hmm pndaii2 ask me wad iim talkiing about..
yhnkx fer accompanyiing me fer how many days/weeks oweady... thnkx alot huns... my crazy baby chiikaro heheh.. love eu my syz.. hmmm... well.. ii hope eu will get h----l soon ya.. haha.. peace out hus... hmmm

to all my peeps outder.. iim soriie det ii've made my decisiion 2 tgl kn my belooved dearesst ex... hmm hope eu all cn accept the fact.. to same2 yg tergiile2 kn ex aku now eu cn goe on ngn dyer.. nd 2 all the rumours.. eu cn now be happiie cz aku da break ngn dyer.. mmg 2 yg krg  nk kn kn... hmmmm


Blogged @ 2:44 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

hmmm now.. me n ayiie have ntg to doe er each other.. ii have ask fer break up wiiv hiim.. 
iim so sorie ayiie.. ii have 2 doe det...
bcs my feliing towards eu keep descendiing...
darii fifie siimpan perasaan ergiitu nd sensare nnt..
lebih baeq fifie lepas kn ayiie skrg.... ayiie mmg baeq.. tapiie..
kdg2 pn ayiie prangaii... hmm soriie fer lettiing eu goe...
kenangan pahiit maniis kiite bersame tkkn fifie lupe kn...
the werd shorty crown det eu gave 2 me will always stay iin my miind...
but maaf kn la fifie.....
fifie tknk ayiie sensare.. nd plss dnt do stupiid thiings...
hmm... maaf kn fifie kae..
fifie tgh rase bersalah nyh kerane melepaskn ayiie..
fifie tknk kiite jadiie musuh... fifie nk kiite jadiie kwn....
hmmm.... fifie tau fifie salah nd dose krane melepaskn ayiie..
krane kite prnh BERSUMPAH ATAS NAMA CINTA...
hmmmm.... fiife hrp ayiie phm ape maksood fifie...

nd now m ii makiing the riight desiiciion to leave eu behiind? 
ndd all our passed together behiind my bck?
hmmmm..... well ii noe ii will regret iit bt wad cn ii do.?
ii dnt wanna keep my feeliings lyke diiz anymore..
tyme changes,..
ppl changes.. haiish.....
well.... stupiid thiings will hppn 2 me ltr on..
iit ii hope iit will nt be eu ayiie..
my love towards eu da maken tk ade..
jadiie dgn keputusan ii giniie ii harap eu blh teriime...

Blogged @ 6:35 AM

Friday, May 14, 2010

now.. haviing a complecated relatiionshiip wiiv my hubiie..
rumours came 2 me agaiin.. well.. one of iit says.. my guy iis  wiiv another gherl.. OMG!!
iis iit true? well ii dnt judge things wiithout prove..
hmm iif they thiink ii am a jealousy type they can..
but iin thiis problem soriie ii dnt trust ppl...
they say they dnt have prove but witness...
well witness? firm tk firm ?
well iif the witness have the same thinkiing as euu wad cn ii doe ?
well lyke wad the malay always say.. lau krg berpakat uat ape ade witness?
hahah.. well.. ii just 1 prove so that eu cn prove that eu all r correct n i am wrong..
well iif eu 1 me to break up wiiv my hubiie.. jz say soo ok... no need for eu to say thiis n det about us...
hmm... well iif eu r jealous that we are together .. y dnt eu say so? eu lyke my hubiie ? (the one using black grey shirt)

 well jz say soo ok.. and iif eu r jealous det we r together ii thiink you nvr feel how to get iin love.. hmmm
well... pls la ppl.. hmmm eu all yg tk pndaii jage  relationship krg.. knape mesty krg musnah kn relationship org laen yg tk bersalah? jealous ke me n my hubiie da 1 year +++ ? hmph ? pls say soo ppl...

tag me la iif you r not happiie... 

pls kae.. or jz simply jz 

gimme a msg at my e-mail

ok... hmm.. tk happiie or tk suke kiite together bbl dpn22 kae ppl..
peace out


Blogged @ 10:55 AM

Sunday, May 9, 2010

here all all the pictures we took duriing our outiing .. no storiie cz my hubiie moonliight hav storried 2 eu guys heheh.. soo yea......... blueq!! babye


Blogged @ 7:15 PM

It was 7 A.m .. juz wake up from sleep .. text my girlfwen to come to  my place .. So i go get ready to mit my girl .. about 2 hr ltr , my girl reach under my blk .. i wen down to myt her .. she was late for her appointment actually .. haha .. so i ask her to go there 1st .. den she bcame angry .. haha .. ouh well .. then i waited for my mother ro come down .. den me n my mother procceed to ocbc bank to take out the cash .. bla3 n time pass so fast .. aft dat i took the train to myt my bby .. hehe .. i reach outram den half way walk i saw her .. (mcm tau jek aku da ampai) .. buy some drink den we procceed to bedok .. we took the bus 2 .. i was having fever .. so weak .. den suddenly my bby cry .. at 1st i ask y she crying but she dont wanna tell .. wah streezz .. haha .. den finnally she told me .. bla3 we reach bedok .. we fine something to eat .. i buy 2 plate of nasi ayam .. but i juz eat a bit .. its a waste of money .. my bby force me to eat but i cant .. no appeetite larh shey .. watever larh l.. den gy bojack the house .. ampai sane they lom siap . haiyo .. den dorg da siap .. all of them masai nk mmpoz .. wah strezz .. so go bedok centrl to do some shopping .. bojack buy 2 pant .. n also 2 pair of shoe .. bla3 time has pass again .. we took the train to dhoby ghaut .. taught of watching movie but there's a lot of org .. so we just buy popcorn and go of from themm .. i went to yamaha fer while to buy string .. den proceed to spotlight find phantom mask . tpi fake wan .. haiyo .. den proceed to orchard central .. sempat bli old chang kee .. haha .. den at OC , we took a lot of pic . haha .. watever larh kn .. aft shopping at OC , gi mkn ah pe lagi .. me n my bby share nasi kuning .. haha .. aft dat we pun alik .. i send my bby to her hse .. sempat maen playground jap .. lol .. thats all from me .. sorry fer the confusing sentence n mixx of laguage .. haha .. tc`

Blogged @ 6:11 PM

Thursday, May 6, 2010

really have noe mood la now.. haiish....
ntg 2 do now. onliie msgiing wiiv my hubiie..
haiish.. ok la update more tommorow..
haiish tkde mood tkde moooood!!!!
ARGH!  all of a sudden feel lyke hating EVERYONE! haiish
soriie kpade sesiape yg ii da mrh tengking nd more


Blogged @ 11:01 PM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

day dreamiing about eu every minutes iin my liife..
miissiing eu iin every seconds...
hope that eu wiill feel the same thiing..
every beat iin my heart count hw much ii love euu..
beiing besiide eu iis the best....
but ii wiish that ii cn stay iin ur heart ferever..
when eu say I LOVE YOU! to me...
ii hope euu really mean iin frm the deep end of ur heart...
when ii say I LOVE YOU! to you...
ii really mean iit wiith all my heart...
when ii miss eu..
ii keep day dreamiing about eu...
hoping that onw day we could meet up...
taking eu as someone special iis what ii really one..
eu have enter iinto my liife...
and eu teach me how to love eu siincerely..
eu teach me what iis love all about..
all the sweet things eu lay upon me ii hope eu really mean iin too....
dont let the rumours catch us together..
bcs once they caught us ..
they will ended up doiing their job as a rumours..
when we meet up n wen e hug each other..
n sii together ii cn feel that eu r always near 2 me ..
n ii noe eu cn protect me even though eu r far away frm me..
wen eu pour ur love 2 me..
ii really feel fortunate 2 be wiith eu...
bcs iit hppns that ii have meet the person that ii 1 ...
ii hope euu will give all ur love 2 me ...
when eu have given ur love fully 2 me..
ii will keep iit inside this one box..
nd thiis one box will remain ferever iin one place..
that iis my heart....
eu r the one i love n eu r the one hu make me change...
eu r also the one hu let me be ii am today ...
forgive me iif ii did anything wrong to eu..
wen i scold eu or beiing jealous..
iis nt bcs of on purpose but... i love eu i care for eu..
dets y ii want eu to know that iii really love eu till ii diie...
let this entry remain iin ur heart n mind huniie...
ii noe iits useless 2 remember all this...
but pls remember that our love will always stay alive....
even though we are nt iin this world anymore....
once agaiin iim soriie iif ii did anything wrong towards eu...
ii know ii have given eu too much nonsense..
ii know ii make ur heart broken iinto a miiliion pieces sometiimes..
ii am really soriie about that huniie..
ii jus do iit on purpose bcs ii want to know iif eu still love me or not...
ii always have this feeling that eu will leave me...
thats yy ii doe all that stupid stuff...
huniie.. ii am soriie...
ii hope eu cn accept my apology...
ii promise to you det our love will alwys be alive ok..
even though we are not together anymore or in this world anymore..
ii will always take good care of our love...


Blogged @ 10:11 PM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

yesterday ii had an appointment at HPB ...
soo yea ... woke up at arond 6+ den slp again n woke up at 7.30 ..
aftr det .. get ready to go out la shey .. hehe ..
1stly .. proceed 2 tampines to fetch my hubiie mooliight ...
then we took a train to outram park .. hehe ...
long journey heheh ...
well .. before that wihile waiting for my hubiie mooliight to come down..
ii siit at the the stairs .. den boredom strikes me ..
soo while waiting ii took a nap fer a lil while ..
 yeah!!! hehe ..
soooo proceed to Outram park yea!
hmmm .... soo my check was being done ..
and the doctor say ii must go for xray.. n must pay up arnd $15 ... hmmm ouh well
did nt bring enough money .. soo yea ..
my next appointment is on Saturday heheh..
my hubiie fetch me aftr hys werk den proceed 2 the same place agaiin ..
heheh ...
n ya ferget to tell eu all la ..
yesterday ii wen bck home late la geng hehe .. soriie ..
ii was hanging out with the ACE STARTER  crew la .. hmmm...
had alot of fun yesterday .. well aftr my appointment is done we proceed 2 Bedok..
haha .. meet bojack,uyul & black ... soo yea ... they say they wanted 2 go 2 firno house ..
soo yea .. waiit fer dem 2 get  readiie ... hmm about 1 hr lke det hehe ..
well y long ? hmmmm well bojack say he dnt wanna follow up but he ended up following us ...
hahah .. kecooh babe ..
sooo yea .. when to see firno .. den slack fer a while .. hmm..
firno sy wanna goe out.. soo yea .. we have no plan at all SERIOUSLY la shey ..
den my hubiie say proceed woodlands r .. haha ... kecooh ..
at last they agree and we proceed 2 woodlands ..
soo yea .. firno must be home by 6 or bfr 6 .. but soriie la we we was on our wae to bedok interchange..
it was already 3+ hmm ... well .. waited fer the bus n iits still 3+... journey took us around 1 hr.. soo yea .. 4+ reach and iits almost 5 wen we nearly reach woodlands ... haha...
well soriie to firno la.. we dnt noe la BY 6 eu must goe home hmm .. soo yea ...
but he just follow us ...hmm .. soo.. ii wen bck home 1st bcs no one take care of my younger once ..
soo yea . soo up.. den follow my mum 2 the shop... dnt ferget to buy............. MAGGI .. hahah ..
well bdk2 dalpr sgt kn .. wad 2 doe haha ....
soo yea ... heading home aftr buying the stuff but bfr ii wen bck home .. ii slack with them at the hall ...
sooo yea .. haha ... kecooh2 sentiase ade.. hahah ... fun tyme .. then at last arnd 6+ firno need 2 goe home and we accompany hym tilll the block near the bus stop.. hehh .. kecooh babes ...
hahah .... fun tyme den at last ... all of us proceed up.. to my house .. slack outsiide.. (waliiaw ii cn gerantiiie euu iiits fcking boring .)soo .. aftr a long slacking of boredness...we wen to the stairs to slack .. smoke & soo on... heheh .. fun day man .. hmmm.. soo learning how 2 do split .... break dance.. flipping ... haha .. well ..
to tell the truth ii injurt my toe la shey ... haha ..doiing front hand spring flipping waliiaw .. ii tell you r! cnnt tahan euu noe haha .... sooo yea ... hmmm .... injurt3... den at arnd 8+ my uncle fetch my grangdmother to hys place .. and my mmbrs are free to goe iin yeah!!! at last ... they attack this computer 1st bfr doiing anytyng haha .. ouh well but nvm ... hehe .. oo ii tell them iif eu all wanna eat goe eat .. almk aii.. satu2 paisey la plk ... hmm mcm tk biiase uat mcm umh sendiri giitu ,... hahahah ...
but nvm .. still force them 2 eat cz they are hungry heheh .. soo yea all of us eat (accept me) haha ... aftr eating ,,  every one doe their own stuff ... heheh ... bojack n uyul bz wiiv comp ... black bz watching tv ... haha , while me n my hubiie doe own things .. yea.. slacking arnd... hmm . den suddenly my hubiie get migraiin.. OMG!!!! hahahah... ciian dyer .. hmm urot kn la ciian dyer ye.. hahah . ouh well .. hmm den at arnd 10.30p.m they make a move to goe bck home .. soo yea .. heheh.. soo yea accompany them to the bus stop n wait fer the bus .. funny things hppn there 2 .. haha ... well one by one.. try to parkour hahah ... ouh well... soo kecooh la ppl ... hehe .. den wen the bus came .. haha klakar babe .. drg tk tahan bus 2 and bus 2 jz pass by them JZ LYKE DET  without stoppping haha... ciian kn .. hah . soo yea .. awaited fer another bus 2 arrive haha ... well ii wen bck home wash my leg n goe 2 slp ... soo tired .. heheh ... my hbiie kol also ii nvr answer ...
soriie shyg .... tk sngaje .. da ngntok .. soo ii tdo la .. soriie ye daddy ...
haha .. so yea ..
waiting fer saturday .. they say they wanna goe town ..
hahahah .. me soo kpo ..well bojack n ayiie get their pay soo they was thinking abt watching moviie together .. haha ... ok la nt bad la .. ok la till here chiaw ppl ..


Blogged @ 7:55 AM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

soo bored at home.. hehe ..
waiting fer my fren to call me up ..
tapiie darii tadiie tunggu tkde haha ..
biiar la dyer ..
hmmm esk gt appmnt ...
pkl 10.30 pagiie babe waliiaw...
hmmm.. well may be my hubiie will accompany me .. hehe ..
blueq! hmm oo bored3...
wad 2 doe ? doe ntg r babe hahah ...

n ya ... 2 my syz & bro fer lyfe...


ii miish euu all la shey .. hope 2 meet eu all up hehe ..
2 my shyg ... ehem2 .... keje2 jgk ..
jgn luppe jage diirii kae.. heheh ...
muackx fer eu darliings ... heheh ...

2 my beloved frens out der .. take good care of urself ok heheh ..
lai jatoh bgn sendiri kae hahah ...
lau iin trouble settle sendiri kae .. haha
jgn nk hrp kn org settle kn plk ...
nnt org kate ape name nye .. KPO..
lyke someone out der kn..
nk step mane nye braniie je .. haha
besar nye penakot adelah ..
nk step braniie konon...
ddk 1 corner diiam2 aje la babe..
hahah.. nk lwn bahase ngn aku ..
kecooh keppe ..
hahah .. 1 more tyme 2 all my frens tkmo kecooh2 iin lyfe kae ..
ade hal settle iit iin a good way kae ...
get over the un wanted stuff la kae .. heheh ...
blueq 2 all .. hehe ..
ii miss them 
(without the gherl wearing green okae)

siti my beloved syster... that will always there fer me

zaza.. my ferever huniie .. hehe .. she also will always be there fer me ..
 together as one hapy phamiily ... 

zaza & siti & fifie  the 3 huns iin the heart..

bojack &uyul & black
will remain in our heart as bro n syz of........


Blogged @ 9:18 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010

now iis 5 alreadie .. but my mmbr n my own shyg dint show up..
argh!! soo stress .. hmmm ...  haiish .. ii realiie miish my hubiie ok ..
but .. ii dnt tynk GOD let us meet ...
keadaan membuat kiita berpisah ..
kita tk akn berjumpa .. hmmm..
ii realiie looking forward to meet my hubiie ... haiish ...
hubiie .. iif eu read this .. ii hpe eu understand how ii feel now shyg ...
n iim looking forward to meet you... ='(  (cryiing)

Blogged @ 5:12 PM



Name:FyFy c3p3t!
D.O.B: 1st February 199_

hey peeps.. hmm FIONA! iz her BIG name..

hmmm.. jz kol her FyFy
or Shawtiie Ladiie
or kecyq!
will doe....

FyFy c3p3t iz a SIMPLE GHERL

who get along wip her peers well...
she iz a SENSITIVE
gerl 2...

she love break-dancing n pakouring.. hahah..

she is also currently ATTCHED wip her DEAREST DEAR DARLINKK.....
, :)


, :)


†❤† Others †❤†

†❤†Huniie buniie ku!†❤†
♥ShaSha KecyK♥

♥Abg zoul♥

♥FikoBarney Hunneyku♥

♥TySuperGirl[chikarosz ku]♥
♥SiTi![chikarosz ku]♥

♥Nana Akheno[Chiikarosz ku]♥

♥WanPakour [Bro]♥

♥Rikki [Bro]♥

†❤†Doliie Qhuw!†❤†

†❤†Kwn Kwn qhuw†❤†
♥KaK YaS♥




, :)


September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011


Music Playlist at


Designer: Lovezxz-
Basecodes 1: Clarissa
Basecodes 2: Stevan
Image Hosting: Photobucket
Image edit and animations: Photoshop Elements 5.0