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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

addiing some piic iin here heheh... here iis the pic of me whiile ii was waiitiing fer my kasrtun casanova..
hmmm nnd yester ii did not go to sch && ii try to escape frm my father... heheh.. soo
whiile waiiting fer my dad to go out. i itook some photos..
hmmm well boredom strikes.. heheh
heheh soo yea... thiis are all iit .. not niice rhyte hahah

Blogged @ 3:15 PM

Yo 1,2 ! 1,2!
haha... yesterday.. on the phone with dadot.. heheh...
well had a fun talkiing tyme hmm.. he cheer me up thnkx dadot hehe..
my guy ? dnt ask.. he iis bck ignoriing me agaiin...
hmmm... may be iits e fact he iis wiith the butchy slut (suci)
hahah.. oh well.. hmmm well bck to the story of me nnd dadot..
soo ya... whiilee we are talkiing on the phone.. 
ii open up some songs so that it will not be bored...
heheh... ended up.. iim beiing a DJ for the night.... heheh...
aftr 1 song go to another heheh... haviing fun.. haha..
para pendengar sekalian.. sekarang ini kita akn mendengar lagu ini...
hahah... soo kecooh.. hahah.. next song.... hahah.. kecooh la.. at last..
my pp8 iis low.. haha den he called me..
hahah soo talk fer another 5-10 mins... den babye.. nd jz msg2 heheh...
sooo yea... haviing alot of fun yesterday.. untill ii slp late at 3.30a.m heheh
soo now not goiing to sch heheh.. bcs of wakiing up late.. nnd iin another hand...
imm siick heheh...

Blogged @ 1:56 PM

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

today im soo dissapointed in 'hym'.. haiish... made a promise...
but broke iit... haiish.. hmm... well 2 hu iit may concern .. thnkx la weii...
hmmm.. eu seii eu gonna chage.. bt ii dnt tynk det promise is still iin ur mind && heart...
haiish.. ii still keep on to ur promisse det eu throw iit out of ur mouth oqhey dear.. hmmm
iif eu tynk iim not suitable to b wiith eu den jz say BYEBYE to me la...
haiish... 1 more tyme... ii gonna be bck to the old me.. eu noe the old me atitude eyh.. haiish..
suits eu den iif eu still want to continuing thiis fckiing idiot game...
but remember... ade pergi ade baleq... iingt eyh boii.. hmmm
lu bkn sasueii ? mmm fiirm tarq fiirmm.. tapiie soriie la qhey..
ur attitude iis already like det.. wad cn ii say...!!!
eu noe the old me soo well... soo we'll see...!! 
soo long romeo....


Blogged @ 10:10 PM

Gd mrng readewrs.. now iis 6.53a.m.... hmmm sleepy shey... hmmm..
wanna go sch or not ? haiish... mls nye aqhuw narq p skola.. hmm..
nnt kene scold ngn my frens nnd my guy.. hmm
limit2 nye heheh.. soo sleepy.. 
wanna.... SLEEP! SLEEP! SLEEP!
haiish.. later goiing bck to slp.. c la iif ii wanna go sch hmmm..
ii noe my exams r around the corner.. hmm bt..
hmm may be tomorrow den ii go to sch.. heheh..
well.. ltr wanna continue my peaceful slp hehe..
soo ltr narq kene escape darii ayh heheh..
hmmm.. escape... ddk luar dulu r.. nnt aru msk hahah,... blueq!
heheh.... hmm.... yesterday sleep at 1+++ heheh hmmm..
well now iim a abiit sad la cz ii lose 1 of my best fren...
but iits not apit boi yus... iits chot hmmm..... well he is a great frenn det understands me well shey..
bt now ii jz want to bck off frm hym bcs of certaiin reason... hmmmm...

Blogged @ 6:58 AM

Sunday, June 27, 2010

today when to watch movie...
haviing alot of fun heheh.. hmm well.. the moviie iis gr8..
a job well done 2 disney-pixar.. ahahah... hmmm..
ouh well.. aftr watchiing movviie... 
we all go eat2
eat nasi ayam.. heheh take some of my adq hor fun and puit iit at my plate..
hehehe... den ended up left ait onliie bt i cnt finish iit..
hehe... da terlalu full la.. alhamdullilah la... hehhe.. hmmmm
well... yea. haviing fun fun fun. my adq soo funny tody...
hehe aftr eatiing we wen expo.. hehe.. hmm wel ok la at there hehhe..
hmmm.. den suddenly my adq say hys teeth came out.. hahah
heheh.. sooo yae.... eeww... disgusting rhyte.. hahah.. oh well..
soo yea... thiis are all the photo we took along our outiing as a famiily..
soo yea... hehe ok la narq ret,, nga biinget nyh.. at the same tyme nga saket r.. shhh..
sssshhhh!! tarq mo tell ppl hheheh

Blogged @ 11:26 PM

boredness came across me heheh.. updatiing fer fun actualliie
hmmm.. oh well now lead a hapy liife eu all know det hahah... blueq! hahah
hmmmm soo.. ntg 2 do.. another 10-20 miins of to slp lyke a pig oweady.. hahah
hmmm... ltr need to wake up at 7+ 2 get ready to go out... almk! soo early hmm ii noe..
well we ask fer help at our mp.. soo my mum && dad have.. 
thiis 1 workshop last date of everymonth...
last month.... the kids was brought to the Jurong Bird Park... but..
now.. thiis months.. as 1 whole family our mp/mendaki/what so ever.. 
treat us to go to the movie
hehe.. fun ? hmm oqhey la.. hehe.. watchiing Toys Story 3 hehe.. hmmm
welll ok la .. now iits 2.30 oweady.. hmmm 2.40 goiing to slp soo yea haha..

Blogged @ 2:30 AM

Saturday, June 26, 2010

soo here another piic.. hehe huns ii tarq lupe kn eu taw.. hha ade jgk kt sinie haha
2 my besties.... my beloved speciial kiut besties.. apit... heh love eu.. thnkx fer ur help heheh..
2 didi.. hmmm sorry fer what ii have saiid 2 eu.. all this whiile...
hehehe. blueq!!!
hmmm planning 2 do a speech at 622 comiing tuesday or monday hmmm

Blogged @ 11:52 AM

thiis are both my guidence heheh.... love them ooppss.. terlupe lagiie 1 gmbr la.. 
bbhy dadot.. iim sorry nnt ii ediit eu nnd me nye piic kae.. hahah..
blueq! hahah. hmm single now! haha... best dohk.. 
bt smlm suay siiket ade mimpi pasal ex aku 2.....
aku mimpi yang aku narq patch aleq...
mmg btl la but haiish da taqdir we r nt meant fer each other soo ii wiill shut up hhehe
soo yeea.. aru wakiie2 nyh... hmmmm.. nnt narq slack2 pat umh aje la..
ntg 2 do la.. narq rest3... slp lyke a lazy piggiie heheh..

Blogged @ 11:28 AM

Back to my sgl lyfe yiipiiee!! heheh.. blueq!..
haha iim now... 
bbhy badot junior iis sgl!!!

Blogged @ 12:59 AM

Friday, June 25, 2010

Hallo2 my readers out der...
now is 1.15p.m.. hmm still slpy la.. hheheh
anyway ii just woke up actualiie... heheh
yesterday sleep at around 3a.m... hmm soo slpy. heheh..
may be slpiing ltr.. must waiit till 3p.m la plk.. 
hmm my fren ask me 2 kejot kn dyer.
almk aii tarq tau narq bgn sendiri ke nyh badot ? hahah
oh well.. nvm la.. xiian badot 2 srg haha...
bbhy badot junior need to go rest ltr heheh.. mlm den active aleq..
haha da macam burong hantu da.. hehe..
well tdy is a brand new beautiful day.. hmmm..
all sadness iis will be away fer a while heheh... wanna enjoy life..
many ppl say iits a must ahaha ssoo yea... enjoy2.. hahah... hmmm..
yes iim still down nnd sad.. bt all my clowns are around me...
they cheer me up too heheh,
thnkx 2 dem.. heheh.... cntctiing soon all my badot... hehe...



Blogged @ 6:42 PM

my heart iis broken iinto milliion pieces... hmmmm

Blogged @ 1:40 AM

iim really iin a love confused.. haiish.. do he still 1 me or not ?
haiish.. many ppl ask me to leave hym... bt ii do love hym..
haiish some ppl say he dumb me... 
well.. wat iican say iis.. b patiient && solve iit slowly la..
haiish... hope everythiing cn be solve on 29 june 2010.. haiish,,
Oh God.. please help me.. Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku tolong la hambamu..
hmmm... heart broken now.. haiish my guy totally ignoriing me.. hmmm
haiish no msg.. no call...  haiishh... 
jz be patiient la goiing through all thiis..


Blogged @ 1:34 AM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

now searchiing fer a job.. bt wad job cn ii take ? 
ii cn only take 
saturday sunday 
nnd in the morning only!!
hmmm haviing a hard tyme 2 tynk.. ppl say go nnd take Macdonalds..
hmm oh well.. c how la.. hmmm gonna search for iit..
tyty tytot also iis searchiing fer a job too.. she wanna take piizza hut.. bt..
ii dnt tynk piizza hut take part tyme fer weekends only hmm..
hard tyme fer me now haiish.. someone help me up pls..


Blogged @ 12:29 AM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

raiin raiin go away.. come agaiin another day!
hahah.. oh well fun singing det song haha... iits rainny day for tdy hehe...
well... raiin raiin go away! haha.. hmm... soo cold la hehe .. feel slpy also hehe
tdy tot of goiing water front with my mum nnd siblingss.,..
bt iit seems det.. the weather dnt allow us to go haha..
well.. heavy raiin now haha... soo just stay at hoome && slp la hahah..

Blogged @ 2:51 PM

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

soo bored... hmm well from just now mrng been chattiing wiith my frenn
hmm well.. he iis slping la haha.. biiar la dyer slp la dyer.. heheh
well ntg 2 update la... jz feel up my boredness with som e entries.. hehe
well... 2 my darlink!
dnt get angry iif ii chat with someone which iis a guy...
hmm ii get bored.. soo my OWN fren get me cheer up..
haha... blueq!
2 my fren..... hope to chat soon.. tdy not meetiing tyty..
waiited fer her msg bt didnt pop up at my phone screen frm jz now hahah
ok la toodles huns && darls

Blogged @ 8:18 PM

Good morning huns & darls
heheh.. hmm.. kena kejoot early iin the morning.. 
sooo now still sleepy2 hahah..hmm.. well ntg to update actually..
later on iif iim free goiing to meet my babygherl... TYTY BONEKA ~!
heheh.. hmm ... qhey la.. hmm
2 my huns  & darls out der :
gd mrng & have a fun day tdy aiiteesss..
pape piicet fifie tynkerbell kamu hehe..
sape2 tarq ade my no. ermm ask fer iit qhey hehe..
&& 2 my dii... :
hmmm hope eu continue ur evilness.. oqhey! cz ii gonna say iim bck XD
hahah.. hmmm have fun hahah!!!

Blogged @ 10:41 AM

dnt dare to mess wiith them oqhey, 
hahah fifie msk kn krg dlm my huge washer machiine ...
heheh.. blueq!!

Blogged @ 12:01 AM

Monday, June 21, 2010

waiitting fer my N lvl 2 come nnd finish la weii geng! hmm..
well wanna hang out la.. go outiing aftr N lvl finish... heheh..
iin the miiddle of N lvl ii wanna search fer a job..
hmm.. narq money2.. heheh...
hmm oh well...
now fifie tynkerbell not iin the mood la..
hmmm.. be narq sad2 nnd emo2 aleq r .. haha..
narq start to lpk2.. hmm... well.. my hubiie dint go 2 werk.. hmm..
mane dyer gy pn tarq tau haiish sdh la.. mls narq ckp lagiie la..
hmm dyer prangaii fifie pn narq prangaii hahah..
shorty crown iis bck!!!
hahah... hmm.. wadever la!!


Blogged @ 8:53 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

almk boreed nye... nyh bored soo happening btl la..
heheh...  hmmm.. well nga charge my battery.. hmm.. 
den narq msg my hubiie to call me
hmm... bored la weii xhiiaw! 
well.. narq share somethiing wiith eu all..
hmm well.. yesh me nnd my hubiie da bbl da now..
but ii notiice now he totally change of well.. narq kene ddk ngn dyer nnd ask la..
haiish,, on our 1st mnth la..
haiish 1st mnth.. darii 1 year plus den now da 1 mnth haiish.... 
sad shey lau d ingat2 kn haiish narq cry aje..
well whiite rose he burn couple ring he throw.. 
all thiis thing hppn wen ii sound hym break...
bt dnt woriie hunnies... ii will gantii la.. haha.. sshhh tarq mo blng dyer haha...
well.. kak diirah told me oweady everythiingg hmm.. well.. narq kumpol duet..
narq buy aleq everythiing...
the keychaiin ii giive 2 hym yg ii belii pt Gentiing 2 actiion je..
iits a present fer hym bkn nye byr aleq 2.. heheh ssshhhhh... tarq mo tell hym
(tarq mo blg bt he will read thiis kn stupiid idiot!)
hahha.... hmmm oh well alh sshh je qhey hahah.. hmm
soo yeea.. slowly la.. but c how la hehe..
hmm narq save up my money la hehe... the riing cost arnd 60+ or 7-+ ii tynk..
the whiite rost cost arnd 120+++ ii tynk .. nnd the keychaiin 20+ ii tynk hehe..
soo yeaa... narq buy ssume aleq nnd pass 2 hym hehe.. oqhey la ntg 2 update lagiie la! toodles..

Blogged @ 11:00 PM

just finish eatiing mcdonald... my daddy buy.. ii must order aiiyoyo..
call den order2 heheh...  hmm well.. yea iits father's day. we shuld treat our dad..
but heheh... da terbaleq la plk hah nvmd.. tunggu me gt money2 den sume org ii blanje hehe..
2 al  fathers out der..
heres a picture of my mum nnd dad..
happy fathers day ayh ku... heheh stay happy always aiites.. 

Blogged @ 9:28 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2010

xhyg.. are do eu still love me ? 
do eu still 1 me ? 
do eu still wanna be wiith me ?

now.. ii keep askiing thiis questiion to myself.. ii want to ask eu bt.. euu will say yes eu still need me nnd stuff.. bt.. iis ur answer truely from ur heart ? iis iit the true answer ? hmmm... iim criously dnt understand....  yy must all thiis hppn 2 me? 2 my ex bro.. sufiian... iis thiis what eu 1 ? a complicated liife to appear iin me ? hmm ? haiish ... stop iit qhey... haiish.. 2m y darliing... yy must eu do thiis to me ? eu have change soo much... ii try to change for eu.. bt infact... eu make iit worst fer me to change... ii tau i pnh hanyot dulu.. tapiie 2 dulu d... dulu... hmm... ii da cube sedaye upaye ii untk brubah fer eu nnd our future... bt... iit seems det.. eu dnt 1 me to change.. cz eu change too.. yes... we dint realise we r changiing bt.. 1 day eu will realise... lyke ii do.. ii realiise ii pnh hanyot.... now ii narq eu cpt2 sedar darii ini semue.. plss diie... biie chyg kan diie... pls... ii want the old eu.... not the new eu.. plss chyg.. ii beg euu (cryiing)

Blogged @ 9:52 PM

Friday, June 18, 2010

thnkx fer lyiing to ee huns.. hmm...
eu say eu gone 2 werk.. eu briing along ur pass...
but.... eventually... euu just ferget to briing iit..
nnd eu liie 2 me onstead.. hmm.... thnkx.... hmm...
nnd we set a rule.. saiid "cnt ton..." bt eu r jz 2 stubborn to listen 2 me ...
who m ii 2 eu huns ? eu saiid that iim ur "sunshine" bt iis iit tru ?
eu just hurt me ... nnd the hurt iis really deep down insiide my heart...
eu make me wanna cry now.. mmm... dets iit... ii make iit clear 2 euu now..

fifie: dnt wanna listen 2 me agaiin... we broke off..
ayiie: oqhey..
fifie: iit seems det eu want us to be apart huh ?
ayiie: iits ur decision
fifie: soo this is wad eu've been waiiting for ? hmm now du eu really 1 iit 2 hppn?
ayiie: no

iis all thiis true ? hmm well prove to huns.. ii dnt wanna let eu goe.
bt..... eu make me wanna do iit thiis wae.. haiish..
yy must everythiing b lyke thiis huns ? yy ?
hmm... ii really love eu bt.. eu make me dissapoiinted.. haiish


Blogged @ 11:09 PM

makeen harii makeen saket hatii aku.. jgn kaw tanye mengape kerane 
aku sendiri tarq tau haiish.. iinii ade kene mengene dgn hubiie ku dgn ex ku... haiish
sdh la.... hmmm feel abiit of a heart broken.. hmmm..
my hubiie iis noot lyke last tyme anymore.. haiishh
he iis very diifferent now haiish da la narq narq ckp bnyq la.. 
skrg nyh pn hatii ku mmg raase sakeet skaliie aku tarq tau kenape haiish
sdh la =( bye!!

Blogged @ 5:10 PM

hu say wen we are attched we cant have a secret admirer ?
hmm well.. everyone has their own secret admirer.. even ii do.
iif a person says noe ii dnt have iit.. well.. lyke duhh.. they r lyiing hahah..
oh well. sayiing all tiix cz ii cnt get to slp nnd ii m bored to death hehe...
soo yea... hmm now chattiing wiith my mmbr... FIRNO!! haha... well 
some probs la ... soo yea.. hmm bored la xhiiaw!
ntg to do at all.. everyone iin de house iis aslp leyh... hahah
bck to the storiie of secret admirer... hahah...
well.. hmmm tarq le blng arh sape.. lau tarq bkn SECRET lagiie la hahah
oqhey la readers.. fifie narq rest jap.. tangan camp gyler!! haha

Blogged @ 1:35 AM



Name:FyFy c3p3t!
D.O.B: 1st February 199_

hey peeps.. hmm FIONA! iz her BIG name..

hmmm.. jz kol her FyFy
or Shawtiie Ladiie
or kecyq!
will doe....

FyFy c3p3t iz a SIMPLE GHERL

who get along wip her peers well...
she iz a SENSITIVE
gerl 2...

she love break-dancing n pakouring.. hahah..

she is also currently ATTCHED wip her DEAREST DEAR DARLINKK.....
, :)


, :)


†❤† Others †❤†

†❤†Huniie buniie ku!†❤†
♥ShaSha KecyK♥

♥Abg zoul♥

♥FikoBarney Hunneyku♥

♥TySuperGirl[chikarosz ku]♥
♥SiTi![chikarosz ku]♥

♥Nana Akheno[Chiikarosz ku]♥

♥WanPakour [Bro]♥

♥Rikki [Bro]♥

†❤†Doliie Qhuw!†❤†

†❤†Kwn Kwn qhuw†❤†
♥KaK YaS♥




, :)


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Basecodes 1: Clarissa
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