Pls don't right-click(:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

yesterday was such a nightmare.. haiish.. whad a day yesterday..
haiing my oral on that day ... iits my MT oral.... goiing to Woodgroove Sec for our oral..
only me && fafa frm wdlands rind sec.. others r from riversiide.. hmmm...
well smlm ...after my oral me && my abg go search fer ayiie..
haiish ii really pity hym la smlm.. haiiish.. yes he did something wrong 2 me..
but ii dint expected that everything will ended up lyke yesterday.. 
haiish... whye must all this happen ? haiish.. sort siia otaq aqhuw.. da la nga stress ngn my father..
lappy qhuw kene angkat from my fckiing father... hmmm...
now iim outsiide... hmm... iim using ibu's lappy... 
haiish.. ii really dnt noe la.. realliie stress at home..
feel lyke killing my self or just go out from that house && nvr came bck haiish...
ii realliie dnt noe la .. crious speakiing la... hmm ii really hate my father..
Whye cnt ii be happy always.. && have no probs at all haiish....
realiie r .. fed up siia stay at home ..
qhuw pandang maq aqhuw && adq2 aqhuw siia 2 pshl aquw tharq bla dari 2 umh ..
haish .. stress nye!!!!!
hmmm ... nharq slash my handd also cnnt haiish fed up !!!
hmmmm .. can ii lyke kasii barang msk my body && aqhuw tharq sedar kn diri  haiish..
soo that ii cn do anything && they cnt blame me..
ii realiie pity ayiie.. haiish.. although he iis only my ex.. && ii gt my own shyg.. ii still care about hym...
yesterday muke dyer rabaq... haiish... && he iis lyke wanna cry.. iim soo sorrie fer hym.. tyme dyer kene... ii tot ii wanna go & run to hym to protect hym.. bt ii noe ii cnt... iits useless haiish... ape lagiie yg qhuw leyh uat.. ii waas lyke wanna cry tyme aqhuw nmpk dyer kene.. criously.. ii wanna cry ='(
bt on that point of tyme aqhuw tahan je nharq cry haiish. ape la naseb ayiie.. haiish... ii dnt noe la.. mane stress ngn my f***ing father.. mane ngn family.. mane ngn my dhy... mane ngn ayiie haiish..
2 ayiie iif eu r readiing this pllss fergiive me... ii realiie dnt noe iit will ended up lyke this haiish.. immm realiie damn soriie... haiish.. criously. soriie... hhaiis.... =(
oqhey la.. ii wanna rest for now.. hmm need some fresh aiir... haiish
bye... toodles...

-Bbhy Badot Qhamu-
-Fiifiie Tynkerbell Qhamu-



Blogged @ 9:13 AM

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Today my class had a trip to ITE College East... Which is ITE Simei! (use to be my dream school)
hahahaha.. soo.. many courses they show us.... hmmm well.. base on whad ii cn recall.. iits....
sooo yea... this are some of the courses they showed us... heheh.. well... having fun there too heheh.. many mats nnd minahs too.. hahah bt neehh dnt give a fck care.. ii was there to go on a learning journey fer my future hahah... hmm.. well... iim realiie intrested in the Electricaal engineering and business.. heheh.. both are my choice for ITE next year !! yea!! insya'allah ii get to go ITE.. hmm... hehe... hope soo ii can get business.. but hope soo ii get electrical engineering too hahahah.. kechiioh r hahah... well.. haviing fun there la actualliie.. get some suvinior too.. heheh... a keychain and a caute small torch heheh... soo yea... at ITE simei journey full of laughter... laugh here nnd there wiith all my frens.. hahha... there iis one part where we go to the chemical process technology course fer the talk oon that course... the abg2 in that course was fckiing funny siia.. hahah... jokes here && there... hahah... sooo fun... laugh,, laugh nnd more laughter.. heheh.... soo fun.. soo yea... hmmm.. wel.. whad catchers my attentiion is about my fren... hmm nvm la lazy to storiie2 la.. hahha... bluueq... heheheh...  soo yea.. at the end bfr we have to leave.. we go to this one hall and all thwe courses were there... hmm we just need to go to one 'station' to know more about the course... hmm me nnd fafa attack the business course first .... heheheheh ...  fun la ... than we go to the hair fashion & design ... soo after that bla3 ... ii met my primary school fren.. NAZRAH...  terpekik jap due2 heheheh .. kechiioh gyler .... heheheheheh ...  soo atlast ... we have to go bck to sch... heheh den p lpk jap ngn fafa && abg qhuw.. RIKKI ... heheheheh ... atlast dpt jmpe my abg heheheh.. hmm qhey la narq rest nga migrane arh .. hmmm ....


Blogged @ 9:01 PM

Monday, July 19, 2010

haha.... iim now nort with boi paitaw lagii hahah... owh well..
aku dgn rele hati aaqhuw da lps kn dyer.. hahah... hmmm
owh well... aqhuw tarq tau la eyh nape maseh ade bdk y.p  ginie mcm.. hahah
maen tymer la ape la... haha... ntah la eyh aqhuw pn tarq phm .. hahah..
btw azrin... last long ngn suci... faizal && acit thnkx fer lying... hahah...
now krg tarq ya ssh2 jage aqhuw lagiie.. aqhuw pn da ade pengganti ahqw la azrin..
hmmmm... either qhaw suke tarq suke .. itu bkn haq qhaw..
aqhuw ngn ahmad skrg... hahah.. sorry! hmmm.. 
yesterday ws so fun && enjoyable.. me ,, my bro ,, my mum ,, my aunt ,, ahmad ,, ank2 sdare dyer ,, my adq2 ,, my adq sedare... go swimming yesterday.. hehe.. bt sorry ii dint catch any picture.. heheh.. bz playiing with water hahah... whad a fun day smlm... hmmm.. kecooh kt swimmiing pool 2... kiite gy yio chu kang punye swimming pool... heheh... 1st ii tot iit was boriing cz iits very damn plaiin accept the baby pool.. haha.. bt iit turns out to b fyne hahah... gereq!!! heheh... kiite eat kiite kecooh2 kt swmming pool... yg part kecooh nye yg biile kiite kene jage bdq2 la.. hahah soo kecooh shey hahah .. me && ahmad terkejar sane sinie shey narq tgk kn bdq2 haha... fun outiing la.. last my dad fetch us.. hmmm...  well.. ahmad tompang skaliie... heheh,... den lpk2 outsiide my hous.. den iibu kuar g "werk" hahah.. den skaliie my adq  bgn... sooo ape lagiie ahmad narq bkk line.. soo teman dyer p vista poiint && bla3 .. hahah... hmmm .. den da aleq umh.. ingt ayh da aleq.. cz last dyer kate narq anta taxi aleq... soo me && ahmad lpk la kt luar umh hahah.. ciian kiite kn.. hmm kecooh r .. kiite gdh den oqhey aleq hmm... lantarq la... relationship standard la.. hahah... hmmm...well waiitiing fer my dad bt ended up he nvr return home.. soo ii called hym... to ask wer is he.. he say.. dyer sambong bwk taxi.. aiiyoyo.. bkn narq blng.. soo ahmad nd me lpk kt dlm umh r.. hah kecooh nye ciite babe... almk mls plk narq ciite hahah.... ltr2 la hhahahah gtg narq sleep lyke pigg nyh... pnt && ngnthoq hmmm....

Blogged @ 6:59 AM

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bz bZ Bz ... hmmm well.. now i just woke up  from my sleep... hmm
very tired eu noe.. yesterdsay groom my house... hahah...
noe la.. kemas store 2 huh.. hmmm soo tired.. naseb ade org narq tlg hehe...
thnkx fer the help ... hmm aftr the sleep alsoo ii still feel tired hmm...
btw sorry fer keepiing my blog quiet fer a moment... hahah,. been bz la peeps..
hmmm.. owh well... hmmm... now restiing fer a while ltr in the aftrnoon must keep on workiing.. 
BZ BZ BZ BZ!!!! hahaha......

Blogged @ 12:58 PM

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

bored3!! hmmmm owh well...
whad to do.. hmmm... well fyefye had a compliicated lyfe...
bt now try 2 be  happy although everythiing crash iinto my lyfe ,, miind ,, && whad so ever...
hahah ... keep on smiiliing2 hahaha
well... ntg to update la... heheh... my blog soo quiet && sepii eu noe hahah
ok la gtg now hahah..
narq tyydo la... da ngnthoq nnd pnt dah nyh hahah toodles!!!
SAD,, but still must keep on SMILING....
dnt show iit iif eu dnt really 1 ppl 2 noe

Blogged @ 11:30 PM

Sunday, July 11, 2010

really get irritated by the way he lyn me la weii..
haiish... yy must my lyfe be lyke this haish..
da mcm... dariii kecyq aqhuw kene nyh mcm... hmmm..
well.. ii noe iim siick.. nnd he also know iit...
hmm ii just touch nyh comp .. bt dyer kate darii pagii aqhuw pkaii nyh comp..
padehal.. ii just use this comp haiish..
he say ii've been slpiing... pemls... haiish...
he knock my head.. haiish... baeq2 migrae da hlng siiket trz tambah aleq sk...
haiish... sdh la..... aqhuw btl2 tarq tau narq uat ape skrg.. hmmmmm..
my fren say iim lack of my ______'s love.. haiish
ii dnt noe la eyh.. may be yes  may be no.. hmm ii also dnt noe,..
feel lyke ending up my lyfe just lyke det onliie r.....
haiish... whad shud ii do now eyh ? hmmm
lyfe full of problems.. haiish... yyu must everything be lyke this haiish...
haviing a hard tyme towards lyfe...
haiish..... sdh la.. im soo fed up now.... 


Blogged @ 5:57 AM

Saturday, July 10, 2010

iim now faviing high fever + migraiin
haiish... soo sickening hmm.. hope ii'll be oqhey by monday... 
need to go to school... hmmm now just upfdatiing my blog..
listening to music.. cecking my fb & tagged hmm..
well... ii had something to tell eu guys.. hmmm
iim moving 2 JB soon haiish
gonna miish everyone in singapore la nmpknye...
heheheh,,, yesterday... meet up my moonliight. hmm miishiing hym soo much!
haiish he change alot now..
hmmmm owh well wad 2 do la kn hahah... blueq! hmmm,,
owh ya... may be tdy meeting faizil heheh...
but hmm eu c larh meet pkl 1 kn.. pkl 12.55 lm agn lagiie haha..
biiar la dyer pnt keje.. hahha... hmmm.... ok la ....
migraiin makeen teroq nh..
hmm wanna rest tooodles!!!!


Blogged @ 12:56 PM

Thursday, July 8, 2010

me still sick2!! haiish... *cough*
hmmm.. well... i  had my rest oweady...
yea!!! tomorrow.. go school... haiish.. heheh..... hmmm
well now chatting wiith my friends... heheh
soo bored... hahah.. blueq!!
ok la ntgm uch 2 update actualiie,...
fill up my boreness tyme.... ok la....

Blogged @ 6:28 PM

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

soo fckiing bored at home... ntg else to do haiish,,,
hmm.. btww tdy gd storiie 2 share wiith eu all r...
now eu all cn call... muhd azrin bin mohd 'BOII PAIITAW'
yy ii say such tynks ? haha.... 
well iif eu wanna noe.. ayiie paitaw me fer de second tyme la weii!
hahah,.. yes he is my moonliight.. && iim hys sunshine..
bt now does he took me as hys sunshine ?
hahah.. well go & ask hym aiites haha,, well now soo bored at home..
hmmmmmm ntg 2 doe.. sleepy sleepy shey haiish..
kae larhh wanna call up my  bestfriend heheh... hmmm

Blogged @ 10:27 PM

Sunday, July 4, 2010

nndii cn b nyce.. once eu step on my head dets iit fckerz!!!!! eu gonna get iit frm me.. qhuw bbl tarq de sister2 nye r qhey...... 2 who iit may concern.. qhaw jage diri qhaw baek2 qhey gherl... qhuw dpt taw nyh hal muncul lagiie detz iit qhaw ku serang dulu qhey! wansuay!
hmmm... BBHYBADOT BONCT nga BIINGET!! oqhey readers..
hmm.... 2 ank btl da melampau.. we will c iif dyer paitaw 
aqhuw lagii on thiis comiing wednesday.. hmm..
2 pmpn kn.. lau qhuw dpt taw dyer ngn jntn aqhuw.. mmg dyer mntk kene ngn aqhuw r...
aqhuw tau now aqhuw bbl da mcm siister2.. 
jgn nnt prangaii  sundal aqhuw dtg aleq ... till krg tarq leyh kawal aqhuw taw..
ahuw nye prangaii sort da dtg...
krg babye r... bkn narq talk big2 qhey,... bt here we are talkiing the fact qhey..
2 pmpn qhaw watch out ..qhey... tc sama diri lu aiites..
wansueii su[ci]al!!hahhah...
siial nye pmpn haah


Blogged @ 11:17 PM

yesterday when to johor ... heheh.. sent my grandmother home..
hmm at the same tyme.. me && my famiily pay a visit there too..
cz my grandfather iis siick... soo yea..
hmmm... well.. hope he will be oqhey soon heheh..
soo yea.. last 2 days ii slp at arnd 6 lyke det.. soo yea..
yesterday.. woke up at arnd 10.30 lyke det.. waliiaw weii!! 
soo slepy still haha...
hmmm... soo at my grandmother's house... ii get to slp fer a while.. ii slp arnd 3-4 lyke det..
&& woke up at  8  sharp heheh... blueq!! heheh.. hmm sooo slpy..
hmm... now.. ntg to do la weii.. called up my guy.. dyer tydo aleq plk..
tadiie msg2.. skaliie tydo aleq hmm pshl kol tarq angkat hahah..
blueq!! hahah kecooh siiot!

Blogged @ 10:08 AM

Saturday, July 3, 2010

 Today bbhy badot when to school.. yeh!!!
miiss my frens.. hehe...   hmm... thnkx goodness ii went to school...
my EBS coursework has started... 
OMG! haha... hmm atleast iim fast iin my EBS qhey la.. haha...
although sometimes ii make alot of mistake hehe... 
ouh well.. hmmm... today iis such a tiring day... heheh... hmm... 
takiing each steps in lyfe iis hard for me eu noe eu noe! hahah
haha.. well... need to take a rest now actualiie bt nvmd la ltr..
kes da tydo ptg bgn pkl 12 giitu kn.. now cnnt slp oweady.... heheh
kecooh la...


Blogged @ 3:14 AM

Friday, July 2, 2010

Goood Morning! heheh... tdy need to go to sch.. hmm getting ready oweady.. hmmm...
still SICK! 
haiish bt jz came to sch la.. atleast iim a bit bttr now.. hmm..
well.... soo tired yesterday was such a day heheh...
sooo yea.... need to sch now the tyme is 6.44a.m
sooo... at 7 goiing to sch hmmm... force myself to go to sch heheh... blueq! hahah..
hmmm... haiishh.... aftr sch when bck hoe straight... 
need a rest aftr det heheh... blueq!!

Blogged @ 6:46 AM

Thursday, July 1, 2010

hey readers... bbhy badot bonct here! hmmm... iim still iin a sick mode..
haiish... still haviing my migraiin on... heheh...
hmmm... well.. iim iim well tommorow ii will go to sch.. miss all my buddies at sch..
hmmm...  well... soo sleepy now actually.. 
bcs just know feel lyke vomiitiing soo ii woke up.. hmmm..
now my chest iis lyke iin paiin hmmm ... haiish
hmm.. hope to get well soon... =)

Blogged @ 7:25 AM



Name:FyFy c3p3t!
D.O.B: 1st February 199_

hey peeps.. hmm FIONA! iz her BIG name..

hmmm.. jz kol her FyFy
or Shawtiie Ladiie
or kecyq!
will doe....

FyFy c3p3t iz a SIMPLE GHERL

who get along wip her peers well...
she iz a SENSITIVE
gerl 2...

she love break-dancing n pakouring.. hahah..

she is also currently ATTCHED wip her DEAREST DEAR DARLINKK.....
, :)


, :)


†❤† Others †❤†

†❤†Huniie buniie ku!†❤†
♥ShaSha KecyK♥

♥Abg zoul♥

♥FikoBarney Hunneyku♥

♥TySuperGirl[chikarosz ku]♥
♥SiTi![chikarosz ku]♥

♥Nana Akheno[Chiikarosz ku]♥

♥WanPakour [Bro]♥

♥Rikki [Bro]♥

†❤†Doliie Qhuw!†❤†

†❤†Kwn Kwn qhuw†❤†
♥KaK YaS♥




, :)


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