Pls don't right-click(:
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

walaupon kita berjauhan...
niat di hati tetap
masih ikhlas untuk bercinta..
kebelakangan ini.. suare mu selalu ku terdengar2.. bagai kan bisikan sesuatu..
kini ku sedari.. bawah tiada insan lain..
dapat menggantikan mu..
ingin ku katakan. tapi tak guna.
cinta kita sudah tiada... aku seperti bunga mawar yang layu

i miss you... i miss you...when will you come back...i am starting to pray for you to hear my heart..crying... its the painful things that i have not felt before. omg!! whye am i crying now..? cause i love you.. that's whye..? i want eu to know. that someones is you

fiiqo gave me this ... hmm soo sweet of hym lurh shey .. hmm .. well.. haiish.... he so damn sweet.. ii really hope 2 meet hym soon shey haiish...

Blogged @ 5:28 PM

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Now otp with didi ,, my beluved TTM ,, soo boreed ,,  hmm mish hym soo much  ... hmm now nga bbl ngn dyer talk about the past ,, soo yeea hahax ,, BORED XIIA ,,HMM K LURH NK TALK2 ngn nyh didi dlu lurh ,, hahax byebye ,

Blogged @ 11:27 PM

go interview on 27/12/10 hmm .. well... on retail ... hahx... hmmm .... well.. the interviewer tanye bnyq soalan plk... hahax... hmmm well ii go interview kt ITE COLLEGE WEST (CCK) hmm... hahax.. well ssh lurh .. hmmm may be ii will nort get that course... hehex... hmm .... welll nvmd lurh... tgk lurh on the 30/12/10 amciiam result .. hahax... hmm k lurh gtg.. toodles peeps... .hmmmmm

Blogged @ 7:24 PM

Monday, December 20, 2010

hmm bored at home.. tk jadii nk p spore lurh nariie hmmm .. 
now im chatting with someone special name ash shahid.. hehex.. 
ii really mysh hym soo damn muchy2 shey.. 
hehex... nvmd esk cn meet hym in person hahax!! yeah!! fyfy suke .. hehex.. 
Fion[A]sh Shahid .... 
hahax .. hmm .. well .. ii really wanna meet hym ... 
da lame tk jmpe dyer hehex.... hmmmm owh well ... 
hehex........ k lurh nga bz chat ngn my shyg nyh hehex...
bye2! toodless!

Blogged @ 5:47 PM


Blogged @ 1:19 PM

Sunday, December 19, 2010

hey ppl .. hmmm ii readlly nort in the mood haiish ... nga pkran pkl rpe nk geraq on tuesday.. haiish ... da r kene anta form by 10 at sch hmmm ...  whad 2 do lurh kn.. haishh esk je urh cn anta.. hmm thot of meeting my dearest dear darling muackxy2 soon.. buut neyh c how lurh kn.. hahax... so boreed.. hmm k lurh nk rest2.. hmmm waiting fer cik ya to come2.. blanje eat chendol hehex... yum2!!!!!!!

Blogged @ 3:16 PM

Thursday, December 16, 2010

hey ppl .. my hubby is sooo naughty .. hmm.. dyer kene kn aku. dyer kate dyer p mabok lurh .. ajk kwn dyer ,, skalii lurh sape ? fara ? hmm .. otaq ak sort je tau tk .. hmm tau2 sume 2 ended up he kene kn aku.. nk tgk aku shyg dyer ke tk .. hmm fed up taw ak ngn dyer .. hmm .. tapi tkpe.. tetap2 aku shyg dyer... hys my hubby whad.. hahax... hmm.. tk sanggop sk nk berpisah ngn dyer .. hehex.. blueq .. hmm.... shyg dyer sgt2!!

Fion[A]piez .. hehex ... hmmmmm da lurh nk rest.. nga saket nyh.. nk rest tenang kn diri... esk kene ameq result.. hmm soo leceh ...

Blogged @ 4:58 PM

hmmm nort asleep yet... hmm.. ku gdh ngn apiez.. now... broke up.. haiish... dyer accept ke tk ke .. lantarq r.. yg penteng aku ngn dyer da tkde pape.. haiish... dyer saket sk... lagi dyer p mabok.. haiish.. da urh eyh mls mau bbl psl dyer! hmm.. well aku blm ngntok lagii bt jap agii tydo urh.. hehex... hmmm bored sk... ayiie pp8 low cnnt msg2 haiish... soo booreedd!!! hmm now nga carii ppl 2 chat2 urgh! bored siia!! hmm ... k lurh ntg lagii nk ckp.. da damn boreedd n blank!!!!!!!! hahax... blueq!! toodles!!

Blogged @ 1:17 AM

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

hmm friday nyh N level result day .. hmm well iim already ready 2 take my result on friday.. uuhh!! hope ii pass hmmm ..... soo goona update yuhh all about my result lurh k.. hahax...  well well well... 
today activities is.. woke up at 11+ arnd 12 lurh.. den lekx2.... bbl ngn ayiie kt hp ... hmmm ok .lurh 2 kn.. hmm den arnd 1+ msk 2 .... kms bileq.. settle kn kain baju yg TAK TERSUSUN... hahax.. dhen sambil2... kt blkng p basoh baju ... so tgh tunggu washer machine 2 basoh baju aku settle kn aleq bileq..da bes settle bileq. p jemor baju.. almk ai ujan lurh plk.. nk tknk kene lurh jemor... den da jemor settle kn baju lagii p lipat.. den after det.. all done!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!! hehex.. tired dae,,, hehex.. nyh pn nga gdh ngn Mirrul .. haiish sdh r! gdh ngn mirrul.. ngn apiez... eyh!! whads wrong with yuh ppl ?? huh ??!?!? da r... sort sk otaq..

Blogged @ 11:01 PM

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WOW!!! taking my result this friday .... (17/12/10) ... OMG!! iim damn nort ready lurh weii .. hmm... hw eyh .. haish , ssh liiaw ... hmm soo scared pn ade lurh weii.. hmmm... whad shud ii do!! urgh!! hahax... gyler oweady c.. haiiyo ... hmmm ... well .. hrp2 pass leyh n cn go 2 the coursethat i want in ITE.. hmm nk msk ITE CCK ke Simei hmm  ..  thot nk msk Simeii,... bt many ppl call me 2 msk CCK.. arh!! owh tidak! hahax... mane 1 mau msk nyh .. ya allah.. kecooh pe/// hmmm nxt year da ITE ... cpt shiak.. hmm ... ssh ssh .. hahax... soo hmm.... ape lurh nk uat.. new life in ITE .. tkt siia!! hmm the minahs.. the mats ... hahax.. tk brape nk tkt lurh ... hmmm ape yg penteng ... study lurh .. hahahx... well whad 2 lurh kn.. naseb r aseq kene ganggu ke ape ke .. hahax.. k lurh ... gtg ... nk do something else.. hehex.. toooodlleess!!

Blogged @ 6:29 PM

Monday, December 13, 2010

iim here.. waited fer my hubby 2 call me up.. hmm.. soo bored,, he say he gonna call me up.. bt till now he dint kol me at all.. haiish... soo bored........... nort asleep yet.. now is 2.24 in the morning. .. hmm.. ltr wanna slp lurh tmrw also cn talk2 with hymm hahah ... sooo the bored bored bored! hehex... blueq!! hmm k lurh wanna slp.. toodles!!

Blogged @ 2:27 AM

Friday, December 10, 2010

aku paleng benci harii ni.... mcm2 masalah sk dtg... pagi n ptg ok je... part mlm.. kimak!! btl2 mcm sundal r satu2 prangaii siial!!! lagii2 mak aku.... kiwakk.. ape siial.. dyer ngn jntn cntct sane sini.... lps 2 bbl mepeq2.. pk ku tk tau pe sume 2????!!! aku dyam je tau... biile part aku pndaii kaw nk pndng rendah lurh.. nk blng bpk ku r... kaw nk pe aku blng lakii kaw psl kaw ngn jntn laen... konon chat tkde pape... dyam2.. jom notty.. KEPALA PUKI lurhh siial!!!!!!! pk fun faiir pe!?!?! da kawen uat hal da kawen n ade 5 ORG ANK lurhh sial.. kaw pn nk jadii mcm dugong siial 2 pe ? da cukop r eyh aku dpt tau nyh sume kaw ngn kakak kaw same je r!!! kaw tkya nk bandeng2 kn aku ngn org laen lagii r eyh... dulu ddk spore.. nk kuar je pkaii lawa2.. jmpe jantan.. beyh nk pkaii sexy2... da tue uat hal tue r sial!! argh!!! 2 satu part... nyh psl kwn aku satu hal.. kiwak!! ku paleg tk suke kwn aku jadi pak/minah sangop kaw tau tk.... dyer nk ngn pmpn yg nga kandong ank .. da giitu tkpe.. ank 2 ANK LUAR NIKAH!! argh!! matii2 aku mrh dyer.. atlast dyer tgl kn pmpn 2 psl pmpn 2 nk ddk USA.. dyer blng aku.. pk aku nk tau sgt pe?!!? aku siiket pn tk nk tau r psl 2 pmpn.. da uat ank luar nikah.. lagii nk kwn aku .. da giitu tkpe.. nk suroh kwn aku nyh jage bby dyer.. kiwak.. pk kwn aku nyh ape siak ? jntn kaw yg uat suroh r dyer tanggong nape nk kene tambah kn beban kwn aku... aku lau dpt tau 2 pmpn sape.. mmg aku tendang perot dyer kasii gugor 2 ank r... tapi 1 nye mmg r dose.. abeyh yg dyer uat ngn jntn dyer suroh kwn aku tanggong tk dose r... pukimak pmpn 2 lurhh.... nk nyusah kn org plk.... kaw nk org tanggong ?? 2 kaw nye psl r ,,tapi knape kene kwn aku ygtk tau pape nyh.. kene jadii bahan tanggongan kaw siial!?!!? bpk budak 2 mane pergii ? da pndaii uat trs tgl 2 mcm pe ?? p carii aleq r siial.... pukimak!!
da r eyh... aku story pnjng2 no use r.. esk aku sambong r..

Blogged @ 11:41 PM

Thursday, December 9, 2010

 |❤ | 060908 |❤ |

one&only Muhd Nur Hafiz Princess 

hey ppl ... hmmm nariie jln2 ngn my aunt , sdare , adq2 n mummy ... well. go jusco ,, go shopping.. bought a expemsive bag .. hehex ... well.. the bag n the price is at the side of my entries.. hehex.. blueq! soo expensive2!! hahax.. well whadever.. hmm so tired lurh babes.. hmm da lurh.... mls nk storry.... hahax.. smpaii esk pn tk finish tau..
hahax...... hmmm.....

hmm..well... now nga relekx2... bnyk gmbr jgk ameq kt jusco tu ...tapii tk kn nk msk kn sume.. mls lurh heehx.. beli mcm2.. smpai coli n seluar dlm also beli hahax... mmg kecooohh nk mmps .. hahas.... 

another thing wanna storry iis about my besties.. hmm dowan to story here jgk cz da ade kt blog dyer.. hmmmm...
well.. dnt noe lurh eyh wand to do now.. hmm ... ii wanna rest lurh jap lagii may be nk kol my hubby.. hehx.. k lurhh chiiaw.... chiiaww.... 

Blogged @ 8:02 PM

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

|❤| 060908 |❤| 
 Luved by Muhd Nur Hafiz

 tomorrow.. my VVIP is comiing down to JB.. Yeah!~! hehex... wanna no hu ? well yuh guy already no hu cz hys pic is at the siide.. hahax.. well.. he is AZLAN.. my abg lan terchyg.. hehex.... hys comiing down wiith kak ijah tomorrow.. yeah! almk.. kene ameq drg kt bandar lurh.. ngn ibu n angah... NK IKOT! hahax.. yeah2!! well.. abg lan always liike 2 biite my ear.. soo now hys coming down.. i'll bite hys plk.. hahax... blueq! hahax.. hmm k lurh.. ii wanna watch moviie ... heehx.. k lurh.. chiiaw ,, 

|❤| FyFy PamPereD |❤| 

Blogged @ 9:36 PM

|❤| 060908 |❤| 
iim Luved byMuhd Nur Hafiz a.k.a Apiez
 morniing semue!! hmm fyfy aru agn.. trs update blog hhax.. jap agii mau mandii n settle kn bileq n msk nasii .. hmm.. well.. fyfy still saket pinggang... hmm... dade pn saket kdg2 nyh.. hmm... nk p doctor.. bt argh! ferget iit lurh . my mum also liike dnt care sgt.. soo tkya.. hehex... ii'll b fiine... hmmm... now nga ddk2 je... Hmm..
How r yuh guys thiss morniinngg..??
hehex... hmmm iim sooo happy fer tomorrow.. abg lan is coming with kak ijah.. yyeeaahh!!!  hehehzx.. hmmm ... btw ppl.. iim getting new hp.. but my mummy said that abg lan told her its a china fone... hmmm neyh... ii dnt care.. as long as the fone is fiine.. nort liike my hp now... hmmm soo damn irritatiing... hmm k lurhh gtg.// chiiaw

Blogged @ 10:26 AM

| ❤ |060908 | ❤ | 
iim Luved by Muhd Nur Hafiz a.k.a Apiez

hmm.. iim just wondering.. whad iis my shyg iis doiing .. hmm.. cnt msg hym as my pp8 is down.. hmm.. really miss hym lurh ppl.. haiish.. well whad 2 do lurh kn.. now iim chatting with my crazy bestest besties... Fiko Barney..hehex... bored.. hmm he always accompany me at nyte ... arnd dis tyming.. hmm... soo bored at home...  left me alone in my room... hmm.. bored!! wanna cntct my hubby cnnt! anywae he must be asleep as he is working tomorrow ... after a long mc n off .. heheh.. hmm.. pity hym .. he is still unwell.. hmm.. worried bout hym la .. hope he is alrhyte wen he is werking hmm... he must b at werk by 8 .. soo he will b out from hym grandmother house at 7 ... hmm woriied sick bout hym .. hmm.. k lurh nk celiipp... hehex.. toodless....

Blogged @ 2:23 AM

Sunday, December 5, 2010


hmm.. nariie aku btl2 tk tau lurh nk kate ape.. hmm.. apiez da start prangai.. yes aku tau dyer saket tapii.. jgn lurh smpaii dyer prangaii ginie.. aku jgk tau.. org lau saket nyh mmg SENSITIVE gyler babii.. hmmm... apiez skrg da prangai.. haiish.. adekah dyer ingt aku da tk shyg dyer ??? haiish .. aku btl2 shyg dyer.. hmm walaupn kiite gdh ginie.. aku tk pernah mntk break up... hmmm aku btl2 tk tau ape nk uat skrg... aku pujok dyer tk jln.. ape patot aku buat nyh ?? aku tk nk sume jadii ginie... sumpah aku ckp.. haiish... aku tk tau lurh ape nk jadii ngn kiite time skrg.. dyer saket aku tau.. aku tkleyh uat dyer mrh ,, saket hatii n more... aku tk tau lurh ape nk iuat lagii c'riously... haish.. aku lagii tk tau lurh.. aku aru dpt msg yg dyer rply msg aku.. dyer kate.. "da urh.. cukop lurh .. pnt r ii nk bace msg yuh..." ya allah... nape lurh jadiie giniie.. aku tau aku slh.. psl aku kasii kakak sdare aku sbelah earpiece untk bbl ngn dyer... tapii.. tkkn smpaii ginie skalii dyer tk nk lyn aku... btw.. dyer 2 ANTI kt kakak sdare aku 2.. haiish aku tk phm lurh.. aku tau dyer saket.. bt eyh!! plss lurh prangaii tkmo mlampau lurh ... tolong lurh sgt2... dyer cume tk tau betape aku shyg kt dyer .... aku btl2 shyg kt dyer... SUMPAH DGN NAME ALLAH aku ckp AKU CINTA/SHYG kt dyer .. knape ssh sgt untk dyer tau 2 sume... sdg kn.. dyer prnh kate "cinte sejati tk perlu dgn kate2 ,, kite sendiri akn rase .. " skrg... slm atii aku hanye ade dyer srg je. tk de lagii yg laen.. haiish... aku tk tau r lau dyer ade yg laen blkng aku... tapi dyer kate dyer tkde,,, hmm... aku tk tau lurh.. mmg cinte sejati tk perlu dgn kate2... tapi.. dyer ade ke rase cinte sejati aku nyh untk dyer  ??? 2 je aku nk tau darii dyer tau tk..  aku tknk psl nyh nnt aku ngn dyer gdh mcm nk raq! haiish.. aku tk tau ape nk uat lagii lurh.. puas aku pujok dyer... tapii naseb dyer nk rply msj aku... lau dyer tk nk... aku nk uat ape ?? hmm... ssh tau nk jage dyer.. dyer kuat mrajok jgk tau... tapii tkde lurh kuat sgt mcm ade org 2.. hmmm .. nyh .. nga msj dyer nyh.. tapi tgk.. pelan2 dyer maken oqey... hmm.. aku try pujok pelan2 r.. tapi ape aku tknk.. walupn dyer ANTI kakak sdare aku.. jgn smpai nnt ... dyer suroh aku anti kakak sdare aku plk.. haiish... ssh lau giitu.. psl aku ngn kakak sdare aku rapat darii kechik nk mmps... nk tgk tk 1 gmbr kite ?? ngn my abg n adq sdare aku... adq ika.. jap eyh 
nyh gmbr nye gmbr nye... hmm yg pkaii baju biru ika... yg baju merah yg gerl aku.. yg boi in red adq sdare aku aan.. yg kt atas maen peace2 2 abg aku.... abg wan.. hmm.. kite kecik2 mmg  RAPAT GYLER.. hmm.. da lurh tk gune lurh bbl psl nyyh .. aku nk p pujok shyg aku till ok... BYE!! 
slmt pagii sekeliian


Blogged @ 1:51 AM

Saturday, December 4, 2010

|❤ | 060908 |❤ |
Muhd Nur Hafiz a.k.a Apiez

ii am really bored at home rhyte now.. hmm
esk tk jadi nk msk Spore r.. hmmm .. next week mungkin on friday aru msk kot.. tgk lurh bile nye aku rajen nk msk spore 2... haiish da ddk JB now.. da mls nk m nye ade ape pn.. nk msk Spore.. hmm... aku rindu apiez r...hmm.. bile lurh leyh jmpe dyer.. lau jmpe dyer aku nk pelok ciiom dyer r.. hahax.. btw.. aku da dye rmbt aku taw..  tk brape nmpk.. hahax.. nk c ? bt colour dyer tk brape nk nmpk... STUPID DYE!!!!

after dye
 Kn.. tk  nmpk kn ... hmm 2 lurh nyesal aku. hm tkpe.. aku dye aleq nnt... hehex..
smoking ?! uiits jgn ckp.. starting iit bck.. hehex.. blueq! hahax..  kene mrh ngn ex aku.. cian aku... shyg aku mmg tk kasi aku isap tapi.. hmm aku yg nk.. alh bkn nye slalu.. lagii pn aku leyh control.. ayiie kate aku da jadii minah rep! omg!! iim nort a minah rep... hahahx.. nnt tgk b'le jmpe dyer,, dyer braniie tk ckp aku MINAH REP!! hahax... conferm he scared.. hahax... kecooh lurh c ayiie nyh.. hahahx.. hmm
bored nye!!! haish.. aku mcm nk jmpe shyg aku.. tapi tkleh hmm hys far.. dyer pt PERMAS JAYA.. hmm umh nnk dyer... aku pt tmn austin perdana.. hmm.... ape lurh naseb.. hmmm.... k lurh aku nk relekx2 jap...
ku chyg MUHD NUR HAFIZ always....

Blogged @ 9:16 PM

Friday, December 3, 2010


iim soo bored at home.. hmm.. well.. im damn missing my hunney ,, muhammad nur hafiz.. haiish... well.. although iim happy now... iim still worried about my dear apiez... bcs he is sick.. haish,, pitty hym.. hmm... really sad when ii see hym lyke det.. hmm ... well.. now i really need to take gd care of hym ....well really need 2 hehex..... well. now msgiing hym... ciian dyer... ibu dyer... iibu dyer lm masak.... hmm. dyer nga lpr haiish.. umh jaoh.. lau dkt.. mmg aku p anta mkn.. hahax.. hmm ciian shyg ku srg 2.. hmm... k lurh aku nk msg2 ngn kekande aku.. hehex.. xhhiiawwww!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!

Blogged @ 5:48 PM

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"b,, nape b senyap darii smlm shey.. haiish... bbhy risau sgt2... haiish... rply msj bbhy... haiish..." 

aku btl2 riisau... Ya Allah engkau lurh yg maha penyayang.. maha berkuase... jikalau engkau  ingin menarik nyawa Muhammad Nur Hafiz.. tareq lurh nyawa ku sekali.. tiada gune aku hidup di dunia  inin tanpa dyer di sisi ku,... aku amat menyayangi dyea... Ya Allahh.. mengape aku harus hadapi semua ini seorg diri.. mengapa kau siksa muhammad nur hafiz begitu sekalii ? aku mohon kepada mu Ya Allah.... bebas kn lurh dyea dari pada kesakitan nya.. aku tk sanggup tgk dyer deriita kesakitan... aku tau dyer bnyk uat dose... tapii jgn lurh dikau seksa dyer begiitu...
tolong lurh hambamu ini Ya Allah.... :'(

Fiona LUV Muhammad Nur Hafiz....
jgn lurh seksa dyer lagii :'(


Blogged @ 2:30 PM



Name:FyFy c3p3t!
D.O.B: 1st February 199_

hey peeps.. hmm FIONA! iz her BIG name..

hmmm.. jz kol her FyFy
or Shawtiie Ladiie
or kecyq!
will doe....

FyFy c3p3t iz a SIMPLE GHERL

who get along wip her peers well...
she iz a SENSITIVE
gerl 2...

she love break-dancing n pakouring.. hahah..

she is also currently ATTCHED wip her DEAREST DEAR DARLINKK.....
, :)


, :)


†❤† Others †❤†

†❤†Huniie buniie ku!†❤†
♥ShaSha KecyK♥

♥Abg zoul♥

♥FikoBarney Hunneyku♥

♥TySuperGirl[chikarosz ku]♥
♥SiTi![chikarosz ku]♥

♥Nana Akheno[Chiikarosz ku]♥

♥WanPakour [Bro]♥

♥Rikki [Bro]♥

†❤†Doliie Qhuw!†❤†

†❤†Kwn Kwn qhuw†❤†
♥KaK YaS♥




, :)


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Basecodes 1: Clarissa
Basecodes 2: Stevan
Image Hosting: Photobucket
Image edit and animations: Photoshop Elements 5.0